Does your fantastic small group want to serve together to make a difference in our city?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.

You don’t have to join an already organized SERVE project as a small group to make a difference. You can create your own project and just do it! No permission needed. Just make a difference as a small group.

Gather ideas from the list below and then GO and DO! You are empowered to make a difference as a small group!


•Bring lunches to construction workers or servicemen in your area

•Clean the yard for a widow or single parent

•Help with yard cleanup or minor repairs for those who are physically or financially unable to do it themselves

•Help with minor car repairs for the elderly, widows, or single parents

•Collect toys and games for kids in a local neighborhood

•Build a wheelchair ramp for a family

•Go on a Prayer Walk

•Ask a grocery store worker how you can pray for them.

•Spend some time calling or video chatting with loved ones near and far

•Pick up trash in a public park, street or parking lot

•Give away groceries door-to-door

•Have a “Free Grass Cutting” day for a neighborhood

•Offer free bike repairs

•Bring lunch to your local police or fire station

•Pay for someone's groceries


•Deliver fresh flowers and cards to residents

•Bring meals for the staff

•Gather and deliver new socks with rubber footings for residents

•Landscape a flower garden and sitting area on the property

•Let kids make cards or crafts that can be given to residents

•Sing songs outside the nursing home to bring cheer to those inside


•Donate coffee, energy drinks, lunches or snacks to staff

•Pray and worship from a distance for a hospital

•Deliver gifts and care packages to patients and families in the children’s wing or NICU

•Provide healthy snacks to chemotherapy patients

•Create and deliver signs and posters for the hospital staff


•Local schools are a great place for multiple small or large teams to serve. Talk to the school’s leadership to find out their real and practical needs. Here are a few ideas.

•Plant a garden, wash a courtyard, repaint playground equipment, mulch a garden

•Build seating or benches, straighten decking, replace steps

•Package teacher appreciation gifts