Chapel Hill Campus
Alamance Campus
When Christians are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection. We believe that water baptism is a public declaration of three important things: you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are beginning a changed life in Christ, and you are part of a new family.
We encourage you to watch the videos above to experience what baptism is like at Grace Church. If you want to be water baptized or would like more information, please contact office@gracelife.com
Our next Baptism Weekend is
Sunday, March 30th at the Chapel Hill and Alamance Campus!
Chapel Hill Campus
Alamance Campus
"Before I was called to be baptized I went through about a year of a lot of growth. I was in a very dark place before I let the Lord in to my life. I was suffering from severe anxiety and depression which really affected my marriage and family. I felt completely hopeless and lost. I remember the moment I realized I need God so clearly. I was standing in my kitchen and I just started crying and said to God, I need you! I gave everything I was struggling with to Him that day and asked Him to guide me. From that moment on, I started to see changes. It was like a huge weight was lifted. I started to really feel Him at work. Once I saw the work He was doing in my life I knew I wanted to give my life to Christ and live my life everyday praising and living for Him. I have fully accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and it was the best decision I have ever made.
Ever since my baptism I feel Him in everything I do and I have never felt closer to the Lord than I do now. Being baptized and letting the Lord into my life truly not only saved my marriage and family, but my life. God is so good!"
— Anna-Lisa
“For most of my life, the Lord left me a trail of breadcrumbs leading to Him. But I was too stubborn to see. I lived according to my own principles and achieved success by worldly measures. Still, I felt a nagging emptiness in my relationships and work life. It wasn’t until the death of my first daughter (my 5th child), who was born last December, that I felt God’s presence. Two years prior, my father-in-law was battling brain cancer. He and I often talked about why God allowed bad things to happen if God was good. After my father-in-law died, I felt compelled to study scripture. I eventually settled the issue in my heart. Then later, when Lucy died, I knew God had prepared me for that very moment. He was with me the entire time. Lucy’s death opened my heart to the meaning of God’s sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus. Amid my immense grief, God gave me peace and told me to proclaim Jesus as Lord of my life. I obeyed and was baptized at Grace Church this past Valentine’s Day. It’s the best decision of my life. At 42, I finally know what my life is for. And that clarity has already transformed my marriage, my parenting, and my friendships. Everything feels new.”