What are freedom groups?
Your journey through Freedom begins with a small group. The nine-week Freedom study will help you deal with hurts and wounds of the past, generational patterns of sin in your life, areas of sin and struggle, and anything holding you back from the life God has for you. At the end of small group, we will have a powerful two-day event called Freedom Weekend.

God has an incredible, abundant life He wants you to live. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came to give us life and life in abundance. Often our struggles and the baggage of the past block us from experiencing that life. No more!
Freedom is designed to remove the things that hinder you from a deeper relationship with God so that you can live the life God has for you.
Freedom includes two vital components:
1. A ten-week Small Group study
2. A powerful two-day event called Freedom Weekend
Living God's Way, Not Our Way
Walking in the Spirit
Living a Life of Surrender
Speaking Words of Life
Confessing God's Word
Becoming a Vessel God Can Use
Living as a Worshipper
Freedom Workbooks cost $15 and can be purchased at the Resource Center each weekend. One workbook per individual is required to go through the study.
If you are ready to start living the life God has for you, then your next step is to get into a Freedom Group! Click on the link below to access our Small Group Portal and select the Group Type "Freedom" to find Freedom Groups meeting this semester.
Please ensure you are able to attend this semester's Freedom Weekend before joining a Freedom Small Group.
Your journey through Freedom culminates with a two-day event called Freedom Weekend. Freedom Weekend is designed to allow you to encounter God in a personal and powerful way and to receive freedom in multiple areas of your life.
To participate in Freedom Weekend, you must join a Freedom Group and complete the nine-week study prior to attending the event. Since Freedom Weekend is an essential part of Freedom and the culmination of the study, if you are unable to commit to attending the weekend it would be better to wait until next semester to join a Freedom Group.
2025 Freedom Weekend Dates - COMING SOON!
Friday Night Session: 6:45pm-9:30pm (snacks & dessert included)
Saturday Sessions: 8:00am-3:00pm (breakfast & lunch included)
Childcare: Childcare is not provided at the weekend.
Cost: $60 per person