Dream Team
The Dream Team is our amazing group of volunteers who do what it takes to make your experience as great as possible. If you desire a life filled with joy, growth, and community, come join the team! All you need to do is attend Step Two and we will give you all of the information you need to get started.
Grace Kids
There are so many ways to serve in Grace Kids. From Check-in, to security, to room host, to small group leader. We have a place for everyone. We are dedicated to helping kids have a blast in an uplifting, safe and secure environment. Kids lives are built every week by this amazing team. If you want to make a difference in a kid's life, or support others in doing that, this is the team for you. Click the button below for more information.
Coffee Team
We believe that a great cup of coffee can not only change your day, but it can change a life. Our coffee team is dedicated to providing quality coffee quickly and easily. You'll have a lot of fun, and make a difference in peoples day every time you serve. Click the button below for more information.
First Impressions Team
The first impressions team is made up of warm welcoming people who want to make your experience at Grace fun and memorable. We help people find the best space in the parking lot, greet them with a genuine smile at the front door, and help them find their place in the worship center. We have a place for you whether you are introverted or extraverted. You can make a difference on this team. Click the button below for more information.
Worship Team
Are you musically inclined? Do you love praising God through song? We are always looking for new band members and singers to serve with us! Click the button below for more information.
Production Team
We play a direct role in creating the atmosphere that is Sunday morning service. Each role on the tech team is vital to the behind the scenes workings that is our presence within the building and online. We enjoy serving with excellence and have simplified the roles to accommodate all skill levels. From camera operation, to video switching, and projection, we have a spot for you! Click the button below for more information.
Grace Students
We want leaders that are passionate about investing in the next generation. At Grace Students, you can have that opportunity to reach students and build their lives through fun activities and small groups! Click the button below for more information.