WEEK 1—The Five P’s of Prayer

“Well, there’s nothing left to do but pray.” Have you ever heard someone make this statement? Or even said those words yourself? Perhaps the comment reflected a medical situation in which nothing seemed to be helping. You might have found yourself thinking that prayer was your last resort when you lost a job or mourned the death of a loved one. Yes, sometimes prayer is the only thing we can do, but it is always the best thing we can do. Rather than our last resort, by  God’s empowerment, prayer can be our first response.

CONNECT — 20 Minutes

Since this is your first small group, please take plenty of time to introduce yourselves.  If you have time, there’s a few other icebreakers you can ask.


  1. Have everyone introduce themselves and say one thing that is new about their life in the past year.

  2. How long have you been attending Grace Church? What brought you to Grace Church?

  3. What immediately comes to mind when you think of prayer? Why?

  4. What did you learn about prayer, for better or worse, when you were growing up?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK ONE: https://vimeo.com/901032365/13f4ebe874
You can download the video by going to the link

BIG IDEA: Prayer is our first response, not our last resort.


A. Make the most of these six weeks.

1. Go all-in.

2. Come hungry, humble and ready to learn.

B. Grab your copy of Pastor Chris Hodges book “Pray First.”

This book is a springboard for our whole series.

C. Prayer is the lifeblood of our relationship with God.

1. Prayer = talking and listening to God

2. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

D. Intentional time in prayer with God is the drop zone of our spiritual life.

1. Our spiritual lives depend on securing the drop zone to receive from God all that He has for us.

2. There’s resistance to you securing the drop zone.

3. Part of the challenge is knowing how, what, and when to pray.

4. Prayer is meant to be enjoyable. It’s a relationship with a real person. Not a grind.

E. Take a step in your spiritual life.

F. The 5 P’s of Prayer open the door to God working powerfully.

    1. The Priority of prayer.

      1. When we put God first in our hearts and lives, we’re giving Him our first and best. We don’t give God our leftovers.

      2. Put God in His first place, He’ll put everything else in its right place.

  1. The Place of prayer.

    1. Choosing a place to pray will help solidify this daily priority.

    2. Mark 1:35 says, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

  1. The Plan of prayer.

    1. Grace Church Bible Reading Plan: www.gracelife.com/bible

  1. The Power of prayer.

    1. God’s power is released through prayer.

  1. The Persons of prayer.

    1. Prayer is about a person.

    2. Your loving heavenly Father is knocking on the door of your heart.

    3. God loves you. God is putting a desire in your heart for Him.

G. Pray First.

1. Make prayer a priority, pick a place, pick a plan and experience the person of God.

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. How do you make prayer a priority? What do you rearrange in your schedule?

  2. What is your place and time of prayer?

  3. What are some steps that you can take this week to create a plan for your prayer time?

  4. Which of the five P’s of prayer stands out to you most?

  5. What is God speaking to your heart through this topic?

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Conclude your time by praying for one another. Go around the room and share any requests. Thank God for bringing you together to focus on listening and talking with Him so that you can grow in your relationship with Him.

Name Request

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READ: Introduction & Chapters 1 - 5 (pgs. xi - 71) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — Look for an opportunity where you can pray before making a decision or taking action. Describe your experience.

DAY 2 — Read through a passage of scripture (Use the Bible Reading Plan if you don’t have a plan). Ask God to help you understand, appreciate, and practice prayer like never before.

DAY 3 — Complete the sentence: Prayer is essential to my life because…

DAY 4 — What kind of power from God do you need right now in your life? Ask Him for that.

DAY 5 — What specific changes are you making to focus on the 5 P’s of prayer in your life?

WEEK 2—The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is one of the most familiar passages in the Bible. It’s an expansive model that Jesus gave His disciples to show them how to pray. This model contains seven topics that continue to instruct us on how to pray today. These elements provide a timeless method for  connecting fully with God and addressing the priorities of every believer.

CONNECT — 15 Minutes


  1. What is the app that you use on your phone the most? Why?

  2. What is something that you’ve memorized? Anything you’re embarrassed to share?

  3. What is a takeaway from last week’s content that you’d like to share with the group?

  4. How often do you use the Lord’s Prayer as part of your personal prayer time?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK TWO: https://vimeo.com/901000935/43a4f709c2

BIG IDEA: Use the Lord’s Prayer as a prayer model.


Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV

9 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

13 And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

  1. Connect with God relationally.

    1. “Our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9a). Calling God our Father allows us to connect with him relationally.

  1. Worship His name.

    1. “Hallowed be Your name” (verse 9b). In Proverbs 18:10, we read that God’s name is a place of protection for the righteous. We can actually run to His name to find safety.

  1. Pray God’s agenda first.

    1. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (verse 10). The Bible says that when we go to God in prayer, we pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done.

  2. Depend on God for everything.

    1. “Give us this day our daily bread” (verse 11). When we pray this and say, “give us,” we’re communicating that God has everything we need.

  1. Get your heart right with God and people.

    1. “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (verse 12). First, we confess to God that we have some attitudes or some issues in our lives that are not pleasing to Him. Also, we forgive the people who have hurt us and forgive those who will hurt us today.

  1. Engage in spiritual warfare.

    1. “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (verse 13a). Prayer is not just communion with God but also confrontation with the enemy.

  1. Express faith in God’s ability.

    1. “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever” (verse 13b). We release our  faith by reminding ourselves of God’s ability and limitless power.

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. What challenges have you faced in viewing God as your loving Father? What has helped you to see Him more clearly in this way?

  2. Why do you think Jesus included the instruction to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth? What does it mean to pray for God’s will to be done?

  3. What is the significance in asking God to provide our daily bread? What do you mean by “daily bread” when you use that term?

  4. How frequently do you use prayer to confront the enemy? How does prayer help you overcome temptations, snares, and deceptions?

  5. Which of the seven aspects of the Lord’s Prayer resonates with you most right now? Why?

  6. How can you apply the model of the Lord’s Prayer to your prayer life?

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Ask your group, if they’re ready, to pray aloud using one of the seven topics of the Lord’s prayer. Thank Jesus for providing this outline to help you draw closer to your heavenly Father. And use the space below to write down any requests mentioned by the group.

Name Request

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READ: Chapter 6 (pg. 75 - 89) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — Read the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV again. What stands out to you today?

DAY 2 —How does prayer help you to stand your ground against the enemy and his temptations?

DAY 3 — How does viewing this prayer as a model rather than a prayer to memorize change your understanding of why Jesus taught His followers to pray this way?

DAY 4 — Rewrite the Lord’s Prayer in the conversational language you use today.

DAY 5 — Pray with someone this week. How is it different from when you pray on your own?

WEEK 3—The Prayer of Jabez

The name Jabez sounds similar to the Hebrew word for pain. He had received his name from his mother (1 Chronicles 4:9). But Jabez refused to become a victim of this troubling label given to him at birth. Although his story—and his well-known prayer—are contained within only a couple of verses, he reminds us that how we pray influences who we are and who we become. His example demonstrates that instead of being bound by painful labels given to us in the past, we can forge ahead and ask God to bless us, be with us, and keep us in his care and loving  embrace.

CONNECT — 15 Minutes


  1. Did you have a nickname growing up? If so, would you please share it?

  2. What was an occupation that you wanted to have when you were a kid? Why?

  3. What is one of your takeaway’s from last week’s content that you’d like to share with the group?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK THREE: https://vimeo.com/901001553/6ed6ef2b76

BIG IDEA: Use the Prayer of Jabez as a prayer model.


Prospering in the Bible (Genesis 26:12-13, Proverbs 11:10, Genesis 12:2)

I Chronicles 4:9-10 NKJV

9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.”

10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

  1. Pray for blessing.

    1. “Oh, that you would bless me” (1 Chronicles 4:10a). In the Hebrew, the word for blessing is prosper, which means to be pushed forward further than we would be able to get on our own.

    2. Lord, give me more than I need so I can be a blessing to the world around me.

  1. Pray for influence.

    1. “Enlarge my territory” (verse 10b). Once God gives us his blessing, he wants us to take that blessing and use it to make a difference in other people’s lives.

    2. Lord, use me so that my life might make an eternal impact in the lives of others.

  1. Pray for presence.

    1. “Let your hand be with me” (verse 10c). The hand of the Lord is a biblical term used throughout Scripture for God’s presence and God’s power.

    2. 1 Corinthians 3:5-6

    3. Lord, be with me because what you’ve called me to is too big for me.

  1. Pray for protection.

    1. “Keep me from evil” (verse 10d). If you have blessing, you can use it to influence; and if you have God’s hand upon you, all of hell is not going to like it. We need God’s protection.

    2. Romans 8:35-37

    3. Lord, strengthen me and rescue me from every attack of the enemy.

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. Do you agree that the concept of blessing is often misunderstood? How would you define or describe blessing based on what’s in God’s Word? (Genesis 26:12-13, Proverbs 11:10, Genesis 12:2)

  2. What does having influence mean to you? What are some ways God is presently using you to influence the lives of those around you?

  3. As you receive blessing and exert influence, why does praying for God’s presence become more urgent?

  4. Why is seeking God’s protection from the enemy necessary in light of experiencing his blessing, influence, and presence in your life?

  5. Of these four prayer items, which one have you sometimes overlooked in the past when praying? Why?

  6. When and how has God blessed you in order that you could bless others? Why did you learn about him from this experience?

  7. What stands out to you the most about the Prayer of Jabez? Why?

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Allow each person to share personal prayer requests and/or give updates on past requests. Spend a few minutes praying together using the four categories in the Prayer of Jabez—blessing, influence, presence, and protection.

Name Request

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READ: Chapter 8 (pg. 107 - 117) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — You are blessed to be a blessing. How has God specifically blessed you to be a blessing?

DAY 2 —Pray the Prayer of Jabez over your life.

DAY 3 —Pray a blessing over someone today.

DAY 4 —God, I ask for your blessing in this area…. God I pray that you would give me greater influence in this area… God, as you bless me and give me influence, I pray for your presence to help me… God, I pray for you protection in this area as I stand against the enemy…

DAY 5 — What has God been speaking to you as you use the Prayer of Jabez as a model for prayer?

WEEK 4—Praying the Names of God

Our prayers to God can become like one-sided conversations when we jump right into our thoughts, feelings, and requests over-and-over again. It can become all about what God can do for us. Such prayer overlooks who God is and what He wants to say to us. The value of Psalm 23 as a model of prayer helps us focus on God’s character, qualities, and abilities. We humble ourselves in His presence and give our full attention to Him. Praying the 8 names of God from  Psalm 23 helps us to put God first.

CONNECT — 15 Minutes


  1. Have you ever named an organization, a team, a pet, or a person? Why did you name them that way?

  2. If you had to change your full name to something completely different, what would you change your name to? Why?

  3. Do you enjoy making small talk with people, or do you prefer deeper conversations? Why?

  4. What is a key insight or takeaway from last week’s study that you would like to share?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK FOUR:  https://vimeo.com/901002030/de05287c45

BIG IDEA: Use the Psalm 23 as a prayer model.


Psalm 23:1-6 NKJV

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

  1. You are my Shepherd.

    1. “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1a). The word shepherd literally means pastor. God is watching over us and pastoring us as we go through life.

  2. You are my Provider

    1. “I shall not want” (verse 1b). We literally will not lack because God is watching over our lives. We will never be in need or “begging for bread,” because God is the provider in our lives.

  3. You are my Peace.

    1. “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters” (verse 2). Even in the middle of anxiety, fear, chaos, worry, stress, and depression, God is our peace.

    2. Isaiah 26:3—Lord, you have me in perfect peace today.

  4. You are my Healer.

    1. “He restores my soul” (verse 3a). To restore means to return something back to the point of departure. God brings everything that got undone back to the original point of departure.

  5. You are my Righteousness.

    1. “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (verse 3b). When we are saved, we are made completely new and completely clean. We are made righteous before God.

    2. Lord, thank you that You have made me right with you and please keep making me like You.

  6. You are my Constant Companion

    1. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (verse 4). In the Old Testament, God was literally called “The Lord is there” (Ezekiel 48:35)

  7. You are my Defender.

    1. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” (verse 5a). We don’t have to fight our own battles. We can sit at a table and eat because God is fighting our battles for us.

  8. You are my Sanctifier.

    1. “You anoint my head with oil; my cups run over” (verse 5b). God anoints us and gives us more  than we need so we can be a blessing to the world around us.

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. How has God “shepherded” you in life? How do you tend to respond when you sense that He is leading you?

  2. How easy or difficult is it for you to trust that God will provide for your needs? How are you demonstrating your trust in Him through your giving?

  3. How often do you spend time in “green pastures” or beside “quiet waters” for spiritual rest and refreshment? Are you one of those sheep that God has to “make” lie down?

  4. What does it mean that God refreshes your soul? When have you recently experienced God’s healing or restoration in a specific area of your life?

  5. How have you seen God lead you along “right paths?” What are some ways in which He is currently leading you?

  6. How have you witnessed God comfort you during an especially “dark valley” or trying time in your life?

  7. What kind of peace do you need from God today?

  8. What are some of the ways that God has anointed you for service?

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Ask your group if there are any volunteers who will pray around using one of the eight names/attributes of God found in Psalm 23, i.e. Shepherd, Provider, Peace, Healer, Righteousness, Constant Companion, Defender, and Sanctifier. Lead this prayer time to be focused on praise for who God is and all that He has done in our lives.


READ: Chapter 9 (pg. 119 - 136) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — What are some names of God that you tend to use most when talking with Him in prayer?

DAY 2 —Meditate on Psalm 23 and the names of God.

DAY 3 —Choose one of the names of God and praise Him in prayer for who He is.

DAY 4 —Reflect on who God is and write out a prayer.

DAY 5 —Pray for someone.

WEEK 5—My Prayer for You

The apostle Paul gives us a great model for praying for ourselves and for others in Ephesians. God shows us that there is a path of life that we can follow that bears fruit, shines light, and leads to fulfillment. Paul’s prayer basically categorizes this path of life into four areas, each of which reflects the spiritual journey we experience as we mature in our faith. Knowing these four areas, and pursuing them, will help us make sense of our lives and  enjoy them to the fullest. It will also help us to know what to pray for others!

CONNECT — 15 Minutes


  1. What's your one piece of advice to everyone here?

  2. What question do you wish people would ask you?

  3. How often do you ask other people to pray for you?
    What do you usually hope that they will pray for you?

  4. What takeaway did you have from last week?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK FIVE:  https://vimeo.com/901002672/821922bb06

BIG IDEA: Pray for yourself and others to know God better, overcome our issues, fulfill our purposes, and make a difference.


Ephesians 1:17-18 NIV

17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

The picture that God has for our lives.

In Psalm 92:13, we read that “those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.” God doesn’t want us just to survive but to flourish.

  1. Pray that you may know God better.

    1. “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ…give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better” (Ephesians 1:17) The Word that Paul uses for “know” in the Greek refers not to mental knowledge but to intimate knowledge.

    2. Jesus wants to have an intimate relationship with us, not a religious following.

  1. Pray to overcome the issues that hold you back.

    1. “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened” (verse 18a). We all look through the “eyes” of our heart. We look at everything through the lens of what has happened to us in the past so we all see things differently based on what has happened to us in our lives.

    2. We go to God for forgiveness, but we go to God’s people for healing. The power is found in the confession and the honesty and transparency. God wants us to be free. (James 5:16)

  1. Pray for God to reveal your real purpose in life.

    1. “In order that you may know the hope to which he has called you” (verse 18b). We pray that God will help us to live in such a way that we discover our true life’s purpose and the gifts God’s given us to live out our purpose.

  1. Pray for God to use you to make a difference.

    1. “The riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people” (Ephesians 1:18c). Our real purpose in life isn’t our careers, paying bills and surviving, or even just enjoying life. Our whole  purpose in life is to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. What are some ways that you would like to get to know God better?

  2. What might be some things that you have been seeing with the “eyes of your heart?” How do you think this perspective impacts your life?

  3. What has God shown you about your purpose in life so far? Do you feel as though you have a clear idea about “the hope to which he has called you?”

  4. What difference would you most like to make in the lives of those around you? What do you want your spiritual legacy to be?

  5. Which of these 4 areas of prayer seems especially significant to you right now.

  6. Based on your own experience, do you agree that we go to God for forgiveness but to God’s people for healing?

  7. What is one spiritual gift that you have or that you have been told by others that you have? How have you used this gift to serve others?

  8. What stands out to you in this prayer model compared to the other prayer models?

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Go around the room and share which of these four areas—knowing God better, overcoming issues, discovering purpose, making a difference—you would like others to pray for you. Spend a few minutes praying for each other and any other needs or requests.

Name Request

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READ: Chapter 12 (pg. 165 - 176) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — Knowing God comes by spending time with Him. Spend time praising Him, Worshipping Him, talking to Him, and Listening to Him today.

DAY 2 —Pray Ephesians 1:17-18 over your life

DAY 3 —Pray Ephesians 1:17-18 over someone else’s life

DAY 4 —Pray about the “eyes” of your heart and the issues holding you back

DAY 5 —What is God calling you to do to make a difference? Do that!

WEEK 6—Prayer & Fasting

The practice of spiritual fasting can seem strange, but it is all over the Bible. The act of fasting can help you experience what God has for you. There are 7 biblical reasons to fast and 4  different types of fast. Fasting is easier than you think and more powerful than you might realize.

CONNECT — 15 Minutes


  1. What is your favorite hobby?

  2. What would we be surprised to learn about you?

  3. What do you turn to for a pleasurable distraction?

  4. What was a takeaway you had from last week’s small group?

PLAY — 20 Minutes

VIDEO LINK FOR WEEK SIX:  https://vimeo.com/901034497/3b6774b183

BIG IDEA: Fasting is a powerful biblical practice.


  1. The Practice of Spiritual Fasting

  2. What is the purpose of fasting? 

      1. Prayer connects you to God and builds your faith. Fasting disconnects you from the world. (Matthew 17:14-21)

  1. Seven reasons why we fast…

    1. 1. To Prepare for a New Season. (Matthew 4:1-17; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-14)

    2. 2. To Seek God’s Wisdom. (Acts 14:23)

    3. 3. To Express Grief. (Nehemiah 1:1-4). 

    4. 4. To Seek Deliverance or Protection. (Ezra 8:21-23)

    5. 5. To Repent. (Jonah 3:10) 

    6. 6. To be Heard by God. (Judges 20:26)

    7. 7. To Worship God. (Luke 2:37b)

      1. Isaiah 55:2 “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.”

  1. What are the different types of fasts in the Bible?

    1. 1. Food Fast. Abstaining from food.

    2. 2. Selective Fast. Eating meals but you're removing certain food types/groups.

    3. 3. Partial Fast. Pick certain meals that you fast.

    4. 4. Soul Fast. Abstaining from things that feed your soul, mind, will and emotions, e.g. TV, screens, etc.

  1. When we’ve decided how we’ll fast, then we add in FAITH.

    1. Expect results.

    2. Isaiah 58:8-9 “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;  you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am…’

  1. Here are three things you can expect. 

    1. Healing

    2. Holiness

    3. Help

DISCUSSION — 20 Minutes

  1. What is your experience with fasting?

  2. How could you take the next step in fasting? Do you think that would help you disconnect from the world and connect to God?

  3. What type of fast fits where you are right now in your spiritual growth?

  4. What can you expect from God in your life when you fast and pray?

  5. What is your next step in your spiritual journey (not fasting related)?

  6. What is your next step in continuing to be connected at Grace Church?

  7. What is one of your most helpful takeaways from “Pray First”? 

Have everyone fill out the blank below…

MY NEXT STEP IS TO _____________________________

PRAYER — 10 Minutes

Share any personal prayer requests and pray for each other. Pray for everyone as they take their next steps. Thank God for all He did through the small group.

Name Request

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READ: Chapter 13 - 17 (pg. 177 -248) in “Pray First” by Chris Hodges

DAY 1 — Read Chapter 13

DAY 2 —Read Chapter 14

DAY 3 —Read Chapter 15

DAY 4 —Read Chapter 16

DAY 5 —Read Chapter 17 & take your next steps!