100 Reasons to Attend the 8am Worship Service

  1. The coffee is hot.

  2. The Welcome Team really appreciates seeing you.

  3. Pastor Kendrick is fresh.

  4. The Worship Team’s vocal cords are good to go.

  5. Shorter lines at restaurants after church.

  6. Making church your FIRST priority of the day, sets up the rest of your day for success!

  7. It is written in 1 Hesitations 3:16, “In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a [8am worship service].”

  8. For all the parents, wouldn't it be nice to have your children exhausted and ready for an afternoon nap so that you can do what you want? Take them to the 8:00 service!

  9. A "Bad Hair Day" is not noticeable at the 8am service.

  10. The pen, Connect Card, and give envelope are correctly loaded in the backs of seats.

  11. First dibs on the best parking spots.

  12. You get to say "Good morning!" 17 times before 9am.

  13. It's the only time you’ll beat the sun at rising.

  14. Brunch tastes better when you’ve worshiped first.

  15. You can join the Worship Team in testing the acoustics.

  16. The pastor might use you as a sermon example...in a good way!

  17. Your "morning voice" sounds extra holy during worship.

  18. Avoid the "walking in late" shuffle at the 10am service.

  19. That seat you always love? Guaranteed open at 8am.

  20. You can spiritually flex on your friends who sleep in.

  21. The traffic angels make it smooth sailing to church that early.

  22. No need to fight over the last pastry—it's yours!

  23. Witness the mysterious pre-coffee version of the staff.

  24. Two words: Fresh. Notes.

  25. You might catch the Worship Team warming up with pop songs.

  26. God rewards the early birds with extra blessings (Shebrews 7:11).

  27. Morning sunlight on your ride to church? Magical.

  28. You won’t miss the afternoon football game.

  29. If the pastor says “Good morning,” you’re one of the few who can respond honestly.

  30. The 8am service is like the spiritual VIP section.

  31. Worship + Coffee = Best Wake-Up Combo.

  32. Fewer distractions from people looking at their phones.

  33. You’re technically living “Seek first the kingdom” (Matthew 6:33).

  34. The "8am Crew" feels like an exclusive club.

  35. 8am legitimizes second breakfast.

  36. Great opportunity to set the example for your family.

  37. Afternoon naps are justified.

  38. The garbage cans are empty.

  39. Less chance of sitting behind someone with a tall hat.

  40. People want to be at the 8am service. No accidentally attendance at the 8am.

  41. You’re fully awake by the time the sermon kicks in.

  42. Clinical trials have shown that 8am service attendance helps people develop consistency in their personal habits.*

  43. You can finally use your alarm clock for something good.

  44. Extra time to process the sermon throughout the day.

  45. 8am service attendance develops reliability in your heart.

  46. The 8am service smells like coffee and kindness.

  47. A great excuse to wear sweatpants under your coat.

  48. It’s proof to yourself you can do hard things.

  49. The pastor’s jokes land better.

  50. The parking lot feels more peaceful.

  51. You might get a shoutout during announcements.

  52. It’s a holy head start to your day.

  53. You’ll be the first to see if there’s a typo in the slides.

  54. Your kids can have a pastry AND still burn it off before lunch.

  55. More elbow room to worship freely.

  56. You can sit as close to the stage as you want.

  57. You’ll be noticed.

  58. If you cry during worship, no one will judge—it’s too early to judge.

  59. Fewer people to step over if you need a bathroom break.

  60. Bathrooms are freshly cleaned.

  61. You can easily bless yourself with a second cup of coffee.

  62. The early morning light is perfect for selfies with the church sign.

  63. Extra time for an after-church walk or jog.

  64. You’ll actually find that Bible you thought you lost—turns out, it was in your car.

  65. Free life hacks from the pastor that may or may not involve coffee.

  66. It’s easier to concentrate when you’re not wondering what’s for lunch.

  67. A front-row seat to spontaneous pre-service sound checks.

  68. The worship feels more intimate at sunrise.

  69. You’ll finally meet all the mysterious early risers.

  70. You can pray for the other services..

  71. A head start on your spiritual resolutions.

  72. The first to know about any announcements.

  73. The stage lighting looks cooler at sunrise.

  74. Witness the “8am miracle” when everyone shows up on time.

  75. Get ahead on your weekly good deeds by holding the door open for others.

  76. No awkwardly running into someone from your small group who knows you skipped church.

  77. It’s quiet enough to hear God’s whisper.

  78. Starting your day with worship reminds you who’s in charge (hint: not you).

  79. The perfect time to test out those new worship moves.

  80. The sermon feels like it’s personally tailored for you.

  81. You’ll get the first look at any new church swag.

  82. No one is judging your third cup of coffee—it’s practically expected.

  83. Less chance of fighting for the last seat in the row.

  84. More time to serve on the Dream Team.

  85. You can cheer on the 9:30am crowd from the parking lot as you leave.

  86. It’s like a sneak peek of heaven: worshiping early with fewer distractions.

  87. You’ll have the rest of the day to be a blessing to others.

  88. All jokes seem 30% funnier before 9am.

  89. You can brag about being the first to hear the message.

  90. The 8am service gives you extra holy points (1 Hesitations 7:89).

  91. Because Jesus deserves your first and your best—even your mornings!

  92. You can perfect your hymn harmonies without pressure.

  93. You’re less likely to bump into someone while carrying coffee.

  94. No waiting in line for the best kids’ ministry teacher.

  95. Fewer chances to lose your keys in a crowded lobby.

  96. You’ll be early enough to add “on time” to your résumé.

  97. It’s the service where you’re most likely to find new friends.

  98. Showing up early shows you’re a real MVP.

  99. You’ll inspire others to become early risers too.

  100. Because it’s the perfect way to start your Sunday!