Message Discussion Small Groups

Build Your Life Small Groups

6 Week Build your life Small Groups can get the Leader guide here:

Build Your Life Sermon #6—Development: Keep Growing

Pastor Kendrick Vinar discusses the Parable of the Sower, relating it to building a strong spiritual life by examining different types of soil representing conditions of the heart. The hard ground signifies closed hearts, the rocky ground represents shallow faith, and the thorny ground symbolizes worldly distractions hindering spiritual growth. The good soil signifies a heart receptive to God's word, emphasizing the importance of understanding Jesus' identity, fostering a hunger for spiritual nourishment, and addressing hindrances like unforgiveness to cultivate growth. Pastor Kendrick encourages continuous cooperation with God's work in personal growth, promising that God will complete His work in their lives.


"What's the most creative excuse you've ever come up with to avoid doing something you didn't want to do?"

What's the most unusual thing you've ever grown in your garden?

If you could have any plant as a pet, what plant would you choose and why?


You can find the 7 minute clip at


  1. What characteristics make up the good soil that allows God's word to bear fruit in our lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick mentions that a good heart is hungry, open, humble, and teachable.

    Application Question: In what areas of your life do you need to cultivate these characteristics to better grow in your relationship with God?

  2. How do the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches suffocate spiritual growth in the thorny ground?

    Context: The thorny ground represents people who hear the word but let the world's concerns and riches take precedence, preventing spiritual growth.

    Application Question: What specific distractions or material pursuits might be hindering your spiritual growth?

  3. Why is it important to nourish our spirits with the word of God daily?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick draws a parallel between the necessity of physical food and spiritual nourishment.

    Application Question: What are some practical ways you can commit to daily reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible?

  4. How can unforgiveness act as a weed in our spiritual lives and hinder growth?

    Context: Unforgiveness is a weed that can take root and spread bitterness, which can hinder spiritual growth.

    Application Question: Is there anyone you need to forgive or seek forgiveness from to help remove this hindrance from your spiritual life?

  5. What is the significance of Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, in our spiritual lives?

    Context: Acknowledging Jesus as the Christ, the son of the living God, is crucial for receiving salvation and eternal life.

    Application Question: What does it mean to you personally to follow Jesus and accept Him as the Christ, the son of the living God?

  6. What is God putting on your heart?


• Ask for prayer requests
• Pray for hearts to be open and receptive to God's word throughout the week
• Pray for strength to overcome any obstacles or hindrances to spiritual growth
• Pray for a hunger and desire to consistently read, study, and meditate on the Bible

Build Your Life Sermon #5—Generosity

Pastor Kendrick Vinar's sermon focuses on generosity and the importance of having an abundance mentality rather than a poverty mentality when it comes to giving. He explains how love for money can reveal one's mindset and highlights that true generosity is a heart issue. Through the story of a pastor in Havana, he illustrates the transformative power of living with an abundance mentality. Vinar challenges the congregation to break free from the mindset of lack and embrace a mindset of abundance, emphasizing that generosity is not just a feeling but requires intentional and deliberate action in giving.


What is the most creative or unusual way you've ever found loose change or spare cash?

What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing you've ever done for the sake of being generous or helping someone else?

"What's the most unexpected or unusual thing you've ever received as a gift?"


The 12 Minute video can be found at


  1. What are the main differences between a poverty mentality and an abundance mentality?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick Vinar explained that a poverty mentality believes giving will result in having less, while an abundance mentality believes giving leads to blessings from God.

    Application Question: In your own life, do you tend to lean more towards a poverty mentality or an abundance mentality? Explain why.

  2. How does the love for money reveal whether we have a poverty mentality or an abundance mentality?

    Context: Pastor Vinar referenced Ecclesiastes 5:10, explaining that those who love money are never satisfied with their income, while an abundance mentality acknowledges that God will take care of our needs.

    Application Question: What can you do to shift away from a love for money and focus more on God's provision in your life?

  3. Why is generosity a heart issue and not dependent on the quantity of resources?

    Context: Pastor Vinar emphasized that generosity comes from the depth of a person's character and a Christ-like mindset, not from the amount of money one possesses.

    Application Question: Are there any areas in your life where you could be more generous with your time, talents, or treasures, regardless of your current financial situation?

  4. What can we learn from the story of Alejandro Nieto and how it relates to having an abundance mentality?

    Context: Despite financial challenges, Alejandro and his wife committed to giving 90% of their church's offerings to support other pastors and their mission, resulting in revival and growth.

    Application Question: How can you apply the principles of Alejandro's story to develop an abundance mentality in your own life and faith?

  5. Why is it important for individuals to be personally responsible for their generosity?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick Vinar emphasized personal responsibility and the need for individuals to be generous with their own resources rather than delegating it to others or expecting it from external entities.

    Application Question: Think about the ways you can personally embody generosity and take action in your own life. What steps will you take to be more generous?

• Ask for prayer requests from the group members.
• Pray for God's guidance and strength to apply the sermon on generosity to their lives throughout the week.
• Pray for a shift in mindset from a poverty mentality to an abundance mentality, trusting in God's provision.
• Pray for opportunities to be generous in tangible ways, taking personal responsibility for giving and blessing others.

Build Your Life Sermon #4—Spiritual Family

We see the importance of spiritual family for growth and community, drawing parallels to natural families. Pastor John Mark emphasizes the benefits of mentorship, nurturing the next generation, and providing support. He shares personal experiences of finding spiritual family and highlights the early church's communal living in Acts. Hamilton concludes by underscoring the transformative power of spiritual families in shaping lives and communities for a purpose-driven destiny.


What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing that has happened to you during a family gathering or reunion?

What's the most memorable or hilarious family tradition you've experienced or heard of?


You can find the 7 minute message clip at


  1. What characteristics of a spiritual family are important for spiritual growth, and how can they be developed within a community?

    Context: Pastor Hamilton mentioned that spiritual families are essential for spiritual growth by being relational, learning from one another, and passing on spiritual wisdom.

    Application Question: How can you contribute to or experience these characteristics in your own church community?

  2. How can being part of a spiritual family help overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation?

    Context: Hamilton emphasizes that a spiritual family provides a sense of belonging, purpose, love, and care for its members.

    Application Question: Describe a time when being a part of a spiritual family helped you feel less lonely or isolated.

  3. In what ways did the early church in Acts model a functional spiritual family?

    Context: Hamilton cites devotion to apostles' teachings, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer as key aspects of the early church's spiritual family.

    Application Question: Which of these aspects do you see in your own church community, and which might need more emphasis?

  4. Why is it important to be part of a smaller group within the church, such as small groups or growth tracks?

    Context: Hamilton shares how engaging in smaller groups allows for deeper relationships, studying scripture, and sharing life experiences.

    Application Question: What positive experiences or growth have you experienced as part of a small group?

  5. How does being part of a spiritual family empower individuals to contribute to the transformation of their local surroundings?

    Context: Hamilton believes that spiritual families can transform lives, cities, families, and people by placing individuals in positions of purpose and destiny.

    Application Question: In what ways is your spiritual family making an impact in your community, and how can you get involved in those efforts?

Prayer Prompt:
• Ask God to help us apply the sermon's message about the importance of spiritual family to our lives throughout the coming week.

• Pray for opportunities to connect with and invest in our spiritual family, both within our small group and the larger church community.

• Ask God to reveal areas in our lives where we may be feeling lonely or isolated, and to provide us with a sense of belonging and purpose within our spiritual family.

• Pray for God's guidance and wisdom as we seek to pass on spiritual wisdom and knowledge to the next generation, both within our own families and within the church community.

Build Your Life Sermon #3—Health

Today we are focused on the importance of pursuing health to fulfill God's calling. Health is about wholeness and right relationships, not perfection. God wants us healthy to live out our divine calling and influence others positively. By allowing God's light to shine through us, we can attract others to Him and make a difference in their lives.


"What's your go-to guilty pleasure food that you just can't resist, even if it's not the healthiest choice?"

"What's the most unusual or unexpected way you've ever tried to stay healthy or improve your well-being?"

If you were a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be and why?


The 15 minute video clip can be found at


  1. How does Pastor Jonathan Love define health in this sermon, and what does it mean in our lives?

    Context: Health is about being sound and whole, pursuing correct thinking and right relationships in every area of life.

    Application Question: In which areas of your life do you feel you are healthy, and in which areas do you feel you need to pursue health more intentionally?

  2. Why does God want us to be healthy according to the sermon?

    Context: God desires us to be healthy because He loves us and has a divine calling for each of us, which is connected to our health

    Application Question: Do you feel like your health is connected to your divine calling? Why or why not?

  3. How does pursuing health in our lives impact our influence on others?

    Context: Being healthy enables us to shine as the light of the world, attracting others to God through our example.

    Application Question: Can you think of a time when you felt your health (or lack of it) affected your ability to influence others spiritually?

  4. What are some examples of how we can be a 'bug lamp' that attracts others to God?

    Context: Striving to have the best marriages, parent obedient children, build healthy relationships, excel in work, prioritize physical health, manage finances with generosity, and showing kindness, generosity, and servant-heartedness.

    Application Question: Which of these areas do you strive most to be 'bug lamp' in your life?

  5. How can we avoid falling into the trap of trying to be good enough or perfect when pursuing health?

    Context: It's about embracing the health and wholeness God offers, not striving for perfection or earning God's love.

    Application Question: In what ways have you struggled with trying to be good enough or perfect, and how can you embrace the health and wholeness God offers instead?


• Please share any prayer requests or concerns with the group.
• Ask God to help us pursue health and wholeness in every area of our lives.
• Pray for the ability to be a shining light and have a positive influence on others.
• Ask God to give us a vision for health and the strength to allow His light to shine through us throughout the week.

Build Your Life Sermon #2—Grace

Pastor Kendrick Vinar's sermon focuses on different aspects of grace available to us, starting with grace as the foundation of our relationship with God for forgiveness. He highlights the connection between mercy and grace, underscoring how grace goes beyond forgiveness to bring God's righteousness into our lives. The sermon emphasizes grace for trust, obedience, forgiveness, living according to God's will, enduring suffering, and facing each day with confidence in God's provision. Ultimately, Pastor Kendrick encourages believers to embrace the various dimensions of God's grace and approach life's challenges with faith.


  1. "What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while trying to be 'graceful'?"

  2. "What's the most hilariously embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in a church setting?"


The 15 minute Clip can be found at


  1. How does God's grace go beyond forgiveness and impact our daily lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick mentioned that grace not only offers forgiveness but empowers us to live godly lives, saying no to ungodliness and worldly passions.

    Application Question: In what ways have you experienced God's grace empowering you to overcome ungodliness and worldly passions in your own life?

  2. Why is forgiveness essential in maintaining healthy relationships?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick discussed the importance of forgiveness in relationships, especially in marriage and family settings.

    Application Question: Can you share a time when forgiveness, or a lack thereof, affected a relationship in your life, and what you learned from it?

  3. What does it mean to have grace for God's will and how can we discern it?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick emphasized that when God calls us to something, He also provides the grace to carry it out. Discerning whether we have God's grace for a task or situation can help us understand if it's within His will.

    Application Question: Can you recall a situation where you experienced God's grace while carrying out His will? How did you discern that it was His will?

  4. How can God's grace be present in our suffering?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick referred to the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh and how God's grace sustained him, even though God didn't deliver him from his suffering.

    Application Question: Have you ever experienced God's grace while going through suffering or seen it in someone else's life? How did that change your perspective on suffering?

  5. What does it mean to live by grace for today and not worry about the future?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick quoted a piece from 1948 about living in the present and not being burdened by the past or future. He also reminded listeners of Jesus' teaching not to worry about tomorrow.

    Application Question: How can you personally practice living in God's grace each day rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on past regrets?

  6. How does God's grace go beyond forgiveness and impact our daily lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick mentioned that grace not only offers forgiveness but empowers us to live godly lives, saying no to ungodliness and worldly passions.

    Application Question: In what ways have you experienced God's grace empowering you to overcome ungodliness and worldly passions in your own life?

  7. Why is forgiveness essential in maintaining healthy relationships?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick discussed the importance of forgiveness in relationships, especially in marriage and family settings.

    Application Question: Can you share a time when forgiveness, or a lack thereof, affected a relationship in your life, and what you learned from it?

  8. What does it mean to have grace for God's will and how can we discern it?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick emphasized that when God calls us to something, He also provides the grace to carry it out. Discerning whether we have God's grace for a task or situation can help us understand if it's within His will.

    Application Question: Can you recall a situation where you experienced God's grace while carrying out His will? How did you discern that it was His will?

  9. How can God's grace be present in our suffering?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick referred to the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh and how God's grace sustained him, even though God didn't deliver him from his suffering.

    Application Question: Have you ever experienced God's grace while going through suffering or seen it in someone else's life? How did that change your perspective on suffering?

  10. What does it mean to live by grace for today and not worry about the future?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick quoted a piece from 1948 about living in the present and not being burdened by the past or future. He also reminded listeners of Jesus' teaching not to worry about tomorrow.

    Application Question: How can you personally practice living in God's grace each day rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on past regrets?

Prayer Points:

• Ask for prayer requests and take a moment to pray for one another.

• Ask God to help us fully embrace His grace in our lives this week.

• Pray for the grace to trust and obey, that we may surrender our will to God's will.

• Ask for the grace to forgive others, and to let go of bitterness and hurt in our relationships.

Build Your Life Sermon #1—Enjoying God

The sermon "Enjoying God" by Pastor Kendrick Vinar discusses finding joy and fulfillment in God in various life situations. It emphasizes that enjoyment of God is not dependent on circumstances but can be experienced even in challenging times. The sermon explores experiencing God in the valley, on the mountain, in the desert, in the storm, in sorrow, in failure, in confusion, and at the start and end of the day. Pastor Kendrick encourages listeners to seek God's presence and find comfort, wisdom, and joy in Him throughout all aspects of life.


  1. What's the most hilarious or embarrassing way you've ever tried to cheer yourself up when feeling down?

  2. What's the most random or bizarre thing that has ever made you laugh uncontrollably?

  3. "What's the most unexpected or unusual thing that brings a smile to your face, even on the toughest days?"


Here’s a 16 minute clip of the message:


  1. How can we find joy and a deep connection with God in the valleys of our lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick shared the example of his wife breaking her leg and being unable to walk for three months. He referenced Psalm 84:6 which shows that even in the valley of weeping, God can turn it into a place of springs and provide sustenance and comfort.

    Application Question: Can you think of a recent personal valley experience where you found or could have found joy and connection with God?

  2. Why is it important to acknowledge God's role in our mountain (successful) moments?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick warns against becoming self-reliant and attributing success solely to our own abilities. He encourages gratitude to God and recognizing that all blessings come from Him.

    Application Question: Share a recent achievement or success and discuss how you see God's role in it.

  3. How can we seek and find refreshment and rejuvenation in God during the desert periods of our lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick quotes Psalm 63:1 which expresses a deep longing for God's presence and thirst for Him in a weary land without water.

    Application Question: What are some practical ways you can seek God's presence and refreshment during 'desert' times in your life?

  4. What can we learn from the disciples' experience of facing a storm with Jesus?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick talks about the disciples being in a literal storm while Jesus slept peacefully in the boat. He encourages listeners to rise up in their hearts, declare God's goodness, and trust that He will see them through the storms of life.

    Application Question: How can you apply the lessons from the disciples' experience to your own stormy situations in life?

  5. What comfort and hope can we find in God's presence and eternal perspective when we face sorrow and loss?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick acknowledges the pain and devastation that come with losing a loved one but highlights the comfort and hope that can be found in God's presence and His eternal perspective.

    Application Question: Share a time where you experienced or witnessed God's comfort and hope during a time of sorrow or loss.

  6. How can we find joy and a deep connection with God in the valleys of our lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick shared the example of his wife breaking her leg and being unable to walk for three months. He referenced Psalm 84:6 which shows that even in the valley of weeping, God can turn it into a place of springs and provide sustenance and comfort.

    Application Question: Can you think of a recent personal valley experience where you found or could have found joy and connection with God?

  7. Why is it important to acknowledge God's role in our mountain (successful) moments?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick warns against becoming self-reliant and attributing success solely to our own abilities. He encourages gratitude to God and recognizing that all blessings come from Him.

    Application Question: Share a recent achievement or success and discuss how you see God's role in it.

  8. How can we seek and find refreshment and rejuvenation in God during the desert periods of our lives?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick quotes Psalm 63:1 which expresses a deep longing for God's presence and thirst for Him in a weary land without water.

    Application Question: What are some practical ways you can seek God's presence and refreshment during 'desert' times in your life?

  9. What can we learn from the disciples' experience of facing a storm with Jesus?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick talks about the disciples being in a literal storm while Jesus slept peacefully in the boat. He encourages listeners to rise up in their hearts, declare God's goodness, and trust that He will see them through the storms of life.

    Application Question: How can you apply the lessons from the disciples' experience to your own stormy situations in life?

  10. What comfort and hope can we find in God's presence and eternal perspective when we face sorrow and loss?

    Context: Pastor Kendrick acknowledges the pain and devastation that come with losing a loved one but highlights the comfort and hope that can be found in God's presence and His eternal perspective.

    Application Question: Share a time where you experienced or witnessed God's comfort and hope during a time of sorrow or loss.

Prayer Prompt:

• Begin by sharing prayer requests and lifting them up to God.
• Ask God to help us find joy and fulfillment in Him, regardless of our circumstances or mood.
• Pray for the ability to experience God's presence and find comfort in the valleys of life.
• Seek God's guidance and gratitude in times of success and avoid self-reliance.



Message Discussion groups are now transforming into Pray First Groups, which are 6 week groups that start the week of Feb. 11. You can find all resources at

Jan. 21 —How to Stop a Bad Habit


  1. If you could add a ridiculous new habit to your daily routine that would make you laugh every time, what would it be?


    Check out the11 minute video here at


    1. How do small habits influence our overall happiness?

    2. What is one small habit you can start adding to your daily routine to increase your happiness?

    3. In what ways can poor decisions and habits make us stray away from God's plan?

    4. Samson's downfall was not a result of one major mistake but a series of poor decisions and habits over time.

      Can you think of a time when a series of poor decisions or habits caused you to stray from God's plan for your life?

    5. How can we use the habit loop to break bad habits and create good ones?

    6. What is a bad habit you want to break and what steps can you take through the habit loop to overcome it?

    7. Why is it important to seek God's guidance and strength when trying to change our habits?

    8. What is a situation in your own life where you need to rely on God's strength and guidance to change a habit?

    9. How can we support each other in our journey towards becoming more like Christ and developing good habits?

    10. What one new habit are you asking God to empower you to implement?


    Pray for God’s strength in developing 1 new habit?

Jan. 14 —Take a Step


  1. What is the longest distance you’ve ever travelled on foot at one time?

  2. What is your favorite routine that you do every day? Every week?


    Check out the 13 minute video here at


    1. Do you struggle with trying to do too much? Do you think God wants you to be up to your eyeballs, running on empty?

    2. Since deep relationships take margin, how do you allow for time for relationships? Or how would you like to create margin?

    3. What does it look like for us to surrender our year, our plans, our lists to God and seek His plan? (Matthew 16:24-25)

    4. Jeremiah 29:11-14 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” What this mean for us to seek God and finding His will for our lives?

    5. What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for God’s plan, God’s grace, and what steps He has for us.

Jan. 7 —God is Happy


  1. What is the happiest moment of your childhood that you remember?

  2. What is your “Happy Place”?


    Check out the 11 minute video here at


    1. Why can the discussion of happiness be complicated among Christians?

    2. Why is God happy?

    3. How is God the source of happiness?

    4. What does it look like for God to be your happiness in your daily life?

    5. What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for happiness in Christ.

Dec. 17 —Vision Weekend


  1. What is the gift that you’re going to give this Christmas that you are most excited about?

  2. What are you most looking forward to this Christmas?


    Check out the 14 minute video here at


    1. What does it look like for your life to be aligned with God?

    2. What does unity with other believers look like in your life?

    3. How does Joshua 3:2-5 apply to your life?

    4. You have to set yourself apart to be a part of what God’s doing. How can you do this in your life?


    Pray for alignment with God and other believers in 2024.

Dec. 10 —At the Movies: Chronicles of Narnia


  1. What is your favorite Christmas Movie? Why?

  2. What is your favorite Christmas song? Why?


    Due to Copyright laws we cannot upload the At the Movies Service. Sorry for the Inconvenience.


    1. In the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan substituted his life for Edmond’s. This is a direct parallel to Christ dying in our place. Why does Jesus’ substitutionary atonement make sense?

    2. Hebrews 9:22 says:

      22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
      Why is this such a big deal?

    3. The forgiveness of sins is vital to our daily life and our life in Christ. How did the movie show this?

    4. What struck you in the movie?

    5. What is God saying to you?


    Pray for gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice.

Dec. 3 —Am I Generous?


  1. What is the most memorable Christmas gift you’ve ever given?

  2. What is the most memorable Christmas gift you’ve ever received?


    A 7 min clip of the message is at


    1. Why is selfishness the enemy of generosity?

    2. What do you think of the 3 levels of giving, i.e. 1. Tithing, 2. Offerings, 3. Extravagant Offerings?

    3. Why is it hard to be generous? How could the widow give

    4. Am I generous?

    5. Why do you think God rewards generosity?

    6. What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for God’s generosity to flow through us.

Nov. 26 —A Faithful Steward


  1. What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever held in your hands? Why?

  2. What are you faithful at? What do you do everyday without fail?


    A 7 min clip of the message is at


    1. Why is giving and generosity so important to God?

    2. How does James 1:17 NIV affect our view on “stewardship”?

      17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    3. Is it harder to be a steward and not an owner? Why?

    4. 1 Peter 4:10 NIV encourages us to use whatever gifts we have. What gifts from God do you use well?

    5. What is God speaking to your heart when it comes to stewardship?


    Pray to value every gift God gives and the strength to manage it well.

Nov. 10/12 —The Principle of Reaping & Sowing


  1. Have you ever grown vegetables or crops? How difficult was it? Why?

  2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?


    A 12 min clip of the message is at


    1. How have you experienced the principle “You reap what you sow on an increase in a different season”?

    2. Psalm 73 speaks to the perspective that the wicked prosper. Do you ever feel this way? Does Psalm 73 help you with this perspective?

    3. Is there anything in your life that you are sowing that you don’t want to reap? How do you reveal this and share your heart?

    4. Is there anything that you want to start sowing in your life?

    5. How do we not grow weary in doing good in relation to this principle?

    6. What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for the sowing of godly, blessed seeds in our lives.

Nov. 3/5 —How Bless-able are you?


  1. What is your favorite beverage? Why?

  2. What are you most thankful for this week? Why?


    A 5 min clip of the message is at


    1. What strikes you from 2 Corinthians 12:6-10?

    2. How do we thank God “in” all circumstances?

    3. What does it look like to be teachable in your life?

    4. How do we glorify God in all circumstances?

    5. Does the concept of being “bless-able” affect how you think about your life?

    6. What is God putting on your heart this week?


    Pray for the strength to be teachable.

Oct. 26/29 —Overcome Evil with Good


  1. What is your favorite thing about November?

  2. What is your favorite TV show? Growing up?


    A 8 min clip of the message is at


    1. Romans 12:17-21 says,
      “17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

      “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

      if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

      In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]

      21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
      What speaks to you in this passage?

    2. How do we give people what they need, not what they deserve?

    3. What role does humility play in our overcoming evil with good?

    4. What is God speaking to your heart?


    Pray for power to overcome evil with good.

Oct. 19/22 —Rich Relationships


  1. Who was your best friend growing up?

  2. Have you ever won a contest or lottery? Describe winning.

  3. How do you celebrate Halloween?


    A 10 min clip of the message is at


    1. How has someone hosting you and inviting you in changed your life?

    2. How does God want you to be inventive in hospitality?

    3. How can you bless someone who mistreats you?

    4. What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for strength to invite, host, and bless.

Oct. 12/15 —A Passionate Life


  1. What have you been passionate about in your life?

  2. What hobby have you been most passionate about?


    A 14 min clip of the message is at


    1. What causes your passion to leak? Why?

    2. Why does action matter when it comes to igniting your passion, instead of just thinking?

    3. How can you specifically fan your gift/passion into flame?

    4. What are you passionate about?

    5. “Your passion level is determined by how much you are experiencing God’s passion for you.” How does this apply to your life?

    6. What is God calling you to be passionate about?


    Pray for ignited passion in Christ.

Oct. 5/8 —Honor One Another


  1. How do you honor people in your life? Gifts? Texts? Letters?

  2. What is the last honor that you’ve been awarded?

  3. What is your favorite thing about the Fall? Pumpkins? Weather?


    A 16 min clip of the message is at


    1. How do we honor others even when we are disrespected, dishonored, and dismissed?

    2. Who of the 9 people is it hardest to honor? Parents? Government Leaders? Workplace leaders? Spiritual Leaders? Elderly? Widows? Spouse? Everyone? God?

    3. Why is honor so important?

    4. Who can you honor this week?What is God putting on your heart?


    Pray for a heart that honors those God wants us to honor.

Oct. 1 —Love much be Sincere


  1. How do you end your letters that you write? Sincerely? Blessings? Why?

  2. What is a hobby or food or activity that you love the MOST?


    A 9 min clip of the message is at


    1. Why does sincere love pursue?

    2. Why is pursuing so important, even when others won’t pursue us?

    3. “The first one to the cross wins.” What does that statement mean in your relationships?

    4. How can we pursue others in our daily lives?

    5. Why does sincere love forgive?


    Pray for a heart that sincerely loves and pursues others.

Sept. 24 —Gifted by God for Community


  1. What is a hidden talent that you have?

  2. What is a skill that you’ve always wanted to have?

  3. What is the cleanest city that you’ve ever been too?


    A 13 min clip of the message is at


    1. Romans 12:1 says to offer your body as a living sacrifice. How do you surrender yourself to God on His terms, not yours?

    2. Have you had to change how you do things in life (i.e. download a new operating system)? Describe that experience.

    3. “You’ll never know why you were born, until you give up the right to determine it.” What do you think about this statement?

    4. What does it look like for you to surrender your thoughts, your plans, your gifts, etc. to God?

    5. How can we surrender afresh?


    Pray for a fresh surrendering in our lives

Sept. 17 — Filled with Praise


  1. Who have you given praise/encouragement to this week? Why?

  2. What is the best praise that you’ve ever received from someone? Or in the last month?


    A 11 min clip of the message is at


    1. How can you honor God for what He has given you (like 1 Corinthians 15:10)? Do you agree that all you are and have is from him, through him and to him?

    2. How has praising God changed your heart or attitude?

    3. What do you think about the quote “You impart what you value to another generation, not what you think, teach, or say”? (Psalm 145:4)

    4. How can you grow in praise?

    5. How can you praise on the “mountain” or in the “valley”?


    Pray for God’s heart to praise Him and to impart this to the next generation.

Sept. 10 — Filled with Power


  1. When did you feel the most powerful?

  2. Have you been the President or Leader of a club or organization? If so, what was it?


    A 11 min clip of the message is at


  1. Words + Faith = Power. How has this been true in your life.

  2. It takes humility to admit that a “fiery dart” got in. When negative words get in, what do you do? How can you break your agreement with it for it to lose its power?

  3. How do we replace negative words with true words?

  4. How do we consume God’s words so His word has the ultimate power in our lives?

  5. How does His perspective give us power?

  6. What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for God’s power in your daily life.

Sept. 3 — Filled with Grace


  1. What is your favorite filling for a dessert? Chocolate? Raspberry?

  2. What is one of your highlights from the summer?


    A 8 min clip of the message is at


  1. Are there things in your past that are hard to move past?

  2. Are there things that you’ve attached your identity to?

  3. What do you think about the statement “The only way to drain the shame is to move the focus from what I’m not, to who Christ is.”?

  4. What does it look like in your life to focus on Jesus?

  5. Hebrews 12:2 says, “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” How has the gospel affected the presence of shame in your life?

  6. How have you seen the difference between condemnation and conviction in your life?


Pray for God to remove our present shame and give us His hope.

July 9 — Moses in Midian


  1. What took a really long time in your life, that you were impatient about, but you’re now so glad it took that long?

  2. Tell a story about a time when you were lost.


    A 8 min clip of the message is at


  1. What does the principle of “Invest time and energy where God has gifted you” mean to you?

  2. How have you grown in who and how God has created you?

  3. Why is developing over time so unpopular?

  4. What does your character development look like in your life so far?

  5. What lessons can you learn from Moses in Midian?

  6. How does 1 Peter 4:10 apply to you?

  7. What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for wisdom to invest time and energy where God has gifted you.

July 2 — Your Team is Important


  1. What is your favorite sports team? Why?

  2. What is the best team you’ve ever been on? Why?


    A 8 min clip of the message is at


1) Why is being on a team so important?

2) What are some of the challenges you face when you’re on a team?

3) What does it mean to be on team Jesus?

4) What are frustrations you experience when you are on a team?

5) How can you be a “GREAT” teammate? On Team Jesus? In your family? At work? Wherever?


Pray for Team Jesus and all of your teammates.

June 25 — Blessed, Now What?


  1. What are some of the ways that God has blessed you?

  2. How blessed do you feel?

  3. What is the biggest surprise blessing you’ve ever received?


    A min clip of the message is at


1) What stands out to you in Luke 17:11-19? It says…

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.

15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

2) How does the saying “God doesn't have a problem with stuff, he has a problem with stuff having us.” apply in your life?

3) What does surrendering look like in your life?

4) What blessing is hardest/easiest to surrender? Why?

5) What does stewarding your blessings look like in your life?

6) What does it look like for you to serve out of your blessedness?

7) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for recognition, surrender, stewardship, and serving out of our blessings.

June 18 — Father’s Day


  1. Do you celebrate Father’s day? If so, how?

  2. Who has been a Spiritual Father to you?


    A 9 min clip of the message is at


1) How can you forgive the bad and honor the good in your father’s lives?

2) How can you let God be your Father?

3) What would a spiritual father in your life look like? How can you set yourself up to receive from Spiritual Fathers?

4) What would it look like for you to spiritually father someone right now?

5) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for God’s empowerment to forgive the bad, honor the good, let God be our father, and receive from Spiritual Fathers.

June 11 — The Flow of Grace


  1. Do you like to hike? Why or why not?

  2. What is your favorite sport? Why is it better than all the other sports?


    A 11 min clip of the message is at


1) What environments is it easier for you to treat people using the Golden Rule and Platinum rule? What environments is it easier for you to treat people based on how you feel and how they treat you?

2) How has God treated you? What is the challenge to treat others that way?

3) When do we treat people based on how we feel?

4) When do we treat others how God has treated us?

5) When you look at your life-giving relationships, what is the reoccurring pattern? What gives life to your relationships?

6) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for God’s grace to flow through us and for life-giving relationships.

June 4 — Be a Goby


  1. What is your life verse? Did you pick it or did it pick you?

  2. What animal best represents you and your life story? Why?


A 9 min clip of the message is at


1) How have you battled the lie, “There’s Something Wrong with God” in your life?

2) Are there areas in your life that you think that God’s nearness and goodness is tied to what is happening around you?

3) Toby said “Your feelings are important. You have to feel your feelings… but do you know what is more damaging than denying your feelings? It’s letting your feelings be the steering wheel of your life.” What do you think of that quote?

4) God is not sad about our depression or panicked about our panic. He is at work. He is near. How does knowing that God is in control and always working help you navigate emotionally hard times in your life and in the lives of those you care about most?

5) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for the truth of God’s goodness and nearness always trump whatever thoughts, lies, and feelings contradict His character.

May 28 — What does the Kingdom of God produce in us?


  1. What is your favorite fruit? Why? Least favorite fruit? Why? Have these answers changed during your life?

  2. What is one thing that you want to do this summer?


A 12 min clip of the message is at


1) How does Romans 14:12-13 apply to your life?

2) How does the statement “In essentials unity. In non-essentials liberty. In all things charity.” apply to your life and how you live out the gospel in culture?

3) What is the difference in your mind when you life in imputed righteousness rather than trying to be righteous?

4) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray to show “Charity” in all things in our lives.

May 21 — God has more for you


  1. What is the most you’ve ever ate?

  2. What is the longest marathon you’ve ever done, e.g. movie, running, etc.?


A 5 min clip of the message is at


1) What is the “more” that God has for you?

2) Why does God choose serving to build His Kingdom?

3) Why does serving and the Church go together?

4) What is the church designed for in regards to serving?

5) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for who and how God wants you to serve.

May 14 — Closing the Door of Comparison


  1. Who is the most content person you know? Why?

  2. Who have people compared you to? Why?


A 14 min clip of the message is at


1) Why do you think grace is the opposite of judgement?

2) Why is it so important that you are forgiven and you feel forgiven? How does pride prevent you from these 2 things?

3) Why is our identity so important? How do we receive God’s identity for us?

4) What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for contentment in Christ.

May 7 — Closing the Door to Distractions


  1. How much time do you use your phone per day (on average)? What’s your favorite app?

  2. What is your biggest distraction from focusing on the people around you?

  3. What life hacks do you have regarding distractions?


A 10 min clip of the message is at


1.  How does focusing on people close the door to distractions?

2. Do you fully give your attention to those God has given you?

3. What matters most to you? What are the distractions from what matter most to you?

4. What distractions is God putting on your heart to shut the door on?

5. Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” How do we do that in our daily lives?

6. Pastor Kendrick said, “If we focus on God and people, we will focus on what matters most.” Do you agree? Why or why not?


Pray for power of focus.

April 30 — Closing the Door of Toxic Relationships


  1. What is the most dangerous place you’ve ever visited?

  2. What is your favorite activity to do in May?


A 10 min clip of the message is at


1.  Healthy relationships are not easy. God puts people in your life that will help you grow. Who has God put in your life recently? Why do you think they are in your life?

2. Ephesians 4:1-2 says, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” What does this verse mean to you in terms of relationships?

3. What do you think of the phrase "Two humble people will always get along”?

4. When you realize that "Relationships are God’s gift to grow you” how do you approach relationships?

5. What is God doing in you right now through relationships? What is surfacing in your heart? In your charactert? How is He growing you?


Pray for humility and Ephesians 4:1-2 in your relationships.

April 23 — Closing the Door of Criticism


  1. If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why?

  2. What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?

  3. What’s your favorite meal to make right now?


A 13 min clip of the message is at


1.  James 3:7-12 says, “People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, 8 but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. 9 Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. 10 And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right! 11 Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water? 12 Does a fig tree produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs? No, and you can’t draw fresh water from a salty spring.”

There’s a source to our words. Out of the heart, the mouth speaks. How have you experienced the truth of these verses in your life?

2. How can you specifically replace negative words with God’s words? (The source of negative words/thoughts is not from God)

3. What are some lies that you’ve believed that are lids on your life? What are truths that God is telling you to replace those lies? The lid on our lives is internal, not external.

4. What are some specific Bible verses that you are going to store and believe this week? (Phillipians 4:8)

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Pray for the source of our words to be full of God’s acceptance, truth, and grace.

April 16 — Closing the Door of Bitterness


  1. What is a pet peeve of yours?

  2. What is the most bitter food that you’ve ever eaten?


A 14 min clip of the message is at


1.  Ephesians 4:21 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” How do you get rid of ALL bitterness and not want vengeance?

2. Is there anyone that you are still hurt by, offended with, that you need to forgive? Any bitterness?

3. In Ephesians 4:32 says to ”Be Kind.” Pastor Kendrick mentioned that to be kind means I want good to come to the other person. I want to give them what they need, not what they deserve. How easy is it to be kind to others?

4. Ephesians 4:32 says “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” What does that look like for you?

5. What is God putting on your heart?


Pray to get rid of all bitterness

April 9 — Easter


  1. What would you say is the greatest day in your life so far? Why?

  2. How do you celebrate Easter? Any traditions?


A 17 min clip of the message is at


1.  Why do you think God closes a door? Produce character? Depend on Him? Change our heart?

2. What is a closed door in your life recently? What did you receive from that experience?

3. What did you take away from the 3 testimonies?

4. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Pray for wisdom and discernment to see and be thankful for the doors that God closes.

April 2 — The Power of Hospitality


  1. Who is the best host that you know? Who’s house do you love to visit because they are so gracious?

  2. Do you enjoy practicing hospitality? Why or why not?


A 17 min clip of the message is at or below


1.  Towards the beginning of the message Pastor Kendrick express the idea that with so many people feeling isolated and alone, it’s a great opportunity for us to show them love. What do you think about that?

2. What do you think about Romans 12:13? Romans 12:13 says “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” 1 Peter 4:9 NLT says, “Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.”

3. A sociologist claims that people make decisions on what they belief based on relationships. What do you think about this? Does scripture back this up?

4. How does God want you to open your heart and your home?

5. Luke 14:12-14 says, “12 He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
How would applying this verse to your life affect how you practice hospitality?


Pray for opportunities to practice hospitality; and for the energy, intentionality, and vision to practice hospitality with those who are different than us.

March 26 — Share His Story


  1. Who first told you about Jesus?

  2. Do you remember when you first heard the gospel?

  3. Is there a method that you’ve learned before regarding how to share the gospel?


A 11 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  When you first heard the gospel, which of the four parts listed in the sermon, made the most sense to you? Which part was the hardest to believe and receive?

2. Does this method of sharing His story make sense to you? Would you be able to share His story if someone asked you?

3. Pastor Kendrick said, “Live the message and say the message.” How does this work in your life?

4. Matthew 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Grace Church is passionate about preaching the gospel to the world. How does this passion come out in your life?


Confidence to share His story

March 19 — Share Your Story


  1. What is your favorite story to tell about yourself?

  2. What is a funny/interesting/significant story that you have to share from this past week?

  3. What is the story that you share when/if someone asks you what the Lord has done for you?


A 11 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  Why does Jesus want the man in Mark 5:15-20 to go home to his friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for him? Mark 5:15-20 says…

15 And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed[a] man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. 16 And those who had seen it described to them what had happened to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs. 17 And they began to beg Jesus[b] to depart from their region. 18 As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him.19 And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.

2. What has God done for you that you can share with others?

3. Why are our stories powerful?

4. Who is the one person that you can share your story with this week?

5. What else is God putting on your heart?


Boldness to share my story with one person this week.

March 12 — Serve Your World


  1. What is one of your favorite stories that your parents/grandparents/etc. have told you?

  2. What is one of your favorite SERVE Projects that you’ve participated in?

  3. Who do you think is going to win March Madness?


A 6 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  When connecting with someone, why does asking questions and listening convey value?

2. James 1:19-20 says, “You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God's righteousness.” What does this verse mean for your life?

3. What do you think about the statements: (1) If you think a positive thought, say it; (2) if you think of something kind, do it.

4. After we’ve truly listened, we can serve. What does serving people in our daily lives look like?

5. What stood out to you that Pastor Kendrick said?


Hearts to listen and serve.

March 5 — You are Salt and Light


  1. What is the saltiest thing that you’ve ever eaten? What’s the story behind that happening?

  2. What is your favorite spice?

  3. Are you for Daylight Savings Time or Against it? Why?


A 18 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  Why do we hide our light sometimes?

2. How do you feel about being God’s ambassador?

3. What makes you feel disqualified sometimes?

4. How do we embrace being called and qualified, rather than feeling uncalled and disqualified?

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Fulfilling God’s call and feeling qualified


Go to for all of the videos, discussion questions, and guides.

Jan. 15 — Faith that Trusts


  1. What is the highest point that you’ve ever stood and looked down from? Empire State Building? A mountain? An airplane doesn’t count.

  2. What is the longest that you’ve ever walked or ran?


A 15 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  “THE STEP OF OBEDIENCE IS THE EXPRESSION OF FAITH.” What does this statement mean to you?

2. How does a step of faith affect our feeling “stuck”? In other words, if you feel stuck in life, in your job, in a relationship, what would hearing from God and taking a step of faith do for you?

3. God’s ways are different than our ways. How does following God’s word affect our trust levels?

4. Submission begins when agreement ends. Do you agree with that statement? Why?

5. What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for the capacity of trust to grow in our hearts

Jan. 8 — SPEAK, LORD


  1. What were your first words?

  2. What were your kids’ first words?

  3. What would you want your last words to be?


A 12 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  Since communication is a 2-way street, how would you describe your communication with God?

2. Psalm 46:10, ESV, says: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” What does this verse mean to you?

3. When it comes to “BEING STILL” with God, how would you describe yourself?

4. We all need a personal history with God. Describe your personal history with God?

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Pray for clarity in hearing and hunger to hear God



  1. What is one thing that you want to start doing in 2023?

  2. What is one thing that you want to stop doing in 2023?

  3. What is one thing that you want to keep doing in 2023?


A 9 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  What is your expectation for your spiritual life this year?

2. What has God put inside of you? What “advantage” do you see in your life?

3. How would you rate your boldness? Are there areas in your life where you are more bold or less bold?

4. In what area can we pray with you for boldness?


Pray for Boldness in Christ!



  1. What’s the best Christmas gift that you could ever give someone?

  2. What’s Christmas mean to you?

  3. Favorite Christmas food?


A 3 min clip of the message is below or at


  1. Pastor Kendrick said, “Small things with great love can change the world.” What does this mean for your life?

  2. Pastor Kendrick said, “You are vastly underestimating the impact of your life.” What does this mean for your life?

  3. Pastor Kendrick said, “Your destiny is tied to your relationships.” What does this mean for your life?

  4. Pastor Kendrick said, “The value of your life is measured by the depth and richness of the relationships in your life.” What does this mean for your life?

  5. How will you love, serve, and invest in the people around you this Christmas?


Holy Spirit, empower us to show your fruit this Christmas!

Dec. 11 — ELF


  1. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

  2. What’s your favorite Christmas story?

  3. What makes you feel special during Christmas?


A 4 min clip of the message is below or at


  1. How do we really find belonging?

  2. Ephesians 3:16-19 says, “16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” What does the pray mean?

  3. Pastor Kendrick said that the secret to healthy secure relationships is to first be secure in God’s love. What do you think about that statement?

  4. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Pray for a deep, Christ-centered belonging to fill our hearts

Dec. 4 — Vision Sunday


  1. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

  2. What’s the most interesting Christmas that you’ve ever experienced?

  3. Favorite Christmas beverage?


A 14 min clip of the message is below or at


  1. Like 1 Cor. 1:27, have you been tempted to minimize God’s plan through the His church (Matthew 16:18)?

  2. What is God’s vision for the church?

  3. How do we fulfill God’s plan through the church together?

  4. “Christ in you is a big deal.” What does this phrase mean to you? What is God’s calling and destiny for you and in the church?

  5. How do we resist the devil (not believe his lies to minimize us or the church) and believe God’s vision for us and the church?

  6. What is God putting on your heart?


Pray for strength to resist the lies to minimize God’s power in our lives individually and together

Pray for clarity to see our destinies as God sees them

Nov. 27 — JESUS: Faith Like Jesus (Week 15)


  1. If you had to do a one hour TV show, what would your TV be about?

  2. What’s the most food that you’ve ever eaten in a day?

  3. Who is your most interesting relative?


A 15 min clip of the message is below or at


1.  In what area of your life is it hard to hear the phrase “You ain’t enough”? How can we invite others into that area?

2. Is there anyone in your life that can tell you “no”? Do you need to add more people like that into your life?

3. Is there a passage of the Bible that you don’t agree with? How do you apply that passage to your life anyway?

4. How can we help build other people’s faith this week?

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?



Nov. 20 — JESUS: The Worship of Jesus (Week 14)


  1. Favorite play?

  2. Favorite song?

  3. Favorite appetizer?

  4. Favorite day of the week?


    A 7 minute video clip of the message can be found below or at


  1.   John 4:23 says true worshippers worship in Spirit and in Truth. How do we worship in Spirit?

    2.  John 4:23 says God is seeking people who worship Him. What does this mean for your daily life?

    3. Is everything we do worship? Why or why not?

    4. How does true worship in spirit and in truth affect us?

    5. What does it mean for worship to be our forever language?

    6. What is God putting on your heart this week?


    Open our hearts to worship God through our lives, thoughts, deeds, and motives

Nov. 13 — JESUS: The Prayers of Jesus (Week 13)


  1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

  2. If you had to replace Turkey at Thanksgiving, what would you replace it with?

  3. Favorite Thanksgiving tradition?

  4. Funniest Thanksgiving/holiday memory?


A 8 minute video clip of the message can be found below or at


1.  Why is it difficult to pray about small things?

2. What do we think God wants us to pray about? Does He have preferences regarding our prayers?

3. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “pray without ceasing.” How does this apply to our daily lives?

4. How would you like to deepen your communication with God?

5. Of the questions Nana mentioned, which one was most helpful in getting clarity in prayer?


Pray about your heart for prayer.

Nov. 6 — JESUS: The Return of Jesus (Week 12)


  1. What is the best movie sequel that you’ve ever seen?

  2. What is the best comeback in sports, games, competitions, etc. that you’ve ever seen or experienced?

  3. What are you excited about for this Thanksgiving?


A 11 minute video clip of the message can be found below or at


1.  These Bible verses state that Jesus is coming again: John 14:1, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 24:27, Acts 1:6-10. What are your thoughts about Jesus coming again?

2. These Bible verses describe that Jesus is coming soon: Revelation 22:7, 10, 12-13, 17, 20; Matthew 24:36-39; and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8. What are your thoughts about Jesus coming soon?

3. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8 and Matthew 25:1-13 encourage us to be ready for Jesus’ return. How can we be ready in a practical way?

4. Pastor Kendrick encouraged us to be ready for Jesus’ return by (1) Be in Faith (Luke 18:8); (2) Be warned (2 Timothy 3:1); (3) Be encouraged; (4) Be focused [on what matters most]; (5) Be comforted; and (6) Be expectant. What does this look like in our daily life?

5. If you’d like an additional resource for learning more about Jesus’ return, Pastor Kendrick suggested the book “The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views”. What questions do you have about this topic right now?

6. What is God speaking to your heart this week?


Prayer to be focused, comforted, and encouraged by what scripture says about Jesus’ return; and to have a complete outlook on life that incorporates this truth.

Oct. 30 — JESUS: The Peace of Jesus (Week 11)


  1. What is your favorite thing about Fall?

  2. Apple Cider or Apple Pie?

  3. Do you rake leaves or blow leaves?


A 5 minute clip starts at 29:32 below or at


1.  When you submit to Jesus you do what with your mind?

2. To find peace you must have what with Jesus? What must you do?

3. What does it mean to set the temperature in a situation?

4. How does your attitude determine your outcome?

5. How is worldly peace different than peace from God?


Pray for God’s peace in fill our lives.

Oct. 23 — JESUS: The Joy of Jesus (Week 10)


  1. What made you laugh this past week?

  2. What makes you smile everytime?

  3. Where is your happy place?


You can find a 9 minute clip below or at


1.  When in your life have you given God your worries and received His joy?

2. (Phillipians 3:7-8) What do we need to release in order to declare that Jesus is our joy?

3. What opportunities is God giving you in your life to put your joy in Him, instead of your circumstances?

4. What does it look like in your life to pursue Jesus?

5. What is God putting on your heart for this week?


Pray for God’s joy in fill our hearts.

Oct. 16 — JESUS: The Miracles of Jesus (Week 9)


  1. What is the most miraculous thing you’ve ever experienced?

  2. What is the most surprising thing you’ve ever seen?

  3. What is the most shocking thing you’ve ever seen.


You can find a 11 minute clip below or at


1.  Based on James 4:2-3, a lot of times we don’t see miraculous things in our lives because (1) we don’t ask and (2) we ask for selfish motivations. Is it easy for you to ask God for big things in your life? How complicated are our motivations when we ask?

2. Is it lacking faith to believe in medicine? What is the relationship between faith in God and using medicine?

3. Is someone who is sick in sin? Do we sometimes judge others based on how they appear when it’s not the whole story? (John 9:3)

4.  Is someone who is sick lacking faith? Why do people think that? 2 Timothy 4:18

5. Why doesn’t God heal everyone?

6. Based on Luke 18:1-8, how does God respond to what we ask Him?

7. If God would answer one prayer in your life right now, what would it bd?

8. What is God saying to you this week?


Pray big, pray in faith, ask for God’s motivations.

Oct. 9 — JESUS: The Authority of Jesus (Week 8)


  1. Have you ever been the President/leader of a group or club before? What was it?

  2. Who is the most famous government official that you’ve ever met? What’s the story?


You can find a 13 minute clip below or at


Ephesians 1:18-23 is Paul praying for believers to have their hearts enlightened for 3 things: (1) know the hope of His calling for us; (2) know the riches of His inheritance in us; and (3) know His surprising greatness of His power towards us.

1.  What is the power and authority in Christ that Paul wants us to know?

2. How can you use this power and authority in daily life?

3.  Why do you think Jesus gave us this power and authority?

4. Why does our Authority in Christ make us dangerous in prayer and worship?

5. What is God saying to you this week?

6. What does the phrase “You are known by God and you are feared in hell” mean to you?


Boldness and wisdom to steward the authority and power that is ours in Christ

Oct. 2 — JESUS: The Compassion of Jesus (Week 7)


  1. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

  2. Have you ever performed a Random Act of Kindness? What happened?

  3. Have you ever received a Random Act of Kindness? What happened?

  4. What’s the most compassionate thing you’ve ever seen?


You can find a 13 minute clip below or at


1) Why does the Lord identify himself as compassionate so much? (Isaiah 54:10, Psalm 86:15, Exodus 34:6)

2) Matthew 9:35-36 says, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

  1. When God sees you, does He have compassion? Why?

  2. When God see others, does He have compassion? Why?

  3. When you see others, do you have compassion? Why?

3) Deitrich Bonhoeffer said, “We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” How does this apply to your co-workers, family, peers, etc.? How does God treat us this way?

4) Why would God want us to approach people with compassion? How does that build their lives and our lives?

5) What is God speaking to you this week?


Lord, fill us with your compassion. Help us to see ourselves and others like you see us.

Sept. 25 — JESUS: The Blood of Jesus (Week 6)


Apple pie or pumpkin pie? Why?

Pumpkin patch or swimming pool? Why?

Sweater weather or beach weather? Why?

Halloween or the 4th of July?

Watermelons or Pumpkins?


You can find a 9 minute clip below or at


1) How does the blood of Jesus accomplish what the word of God says?

2) Revelation 12:11, says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” How does this scripture help us fight practical battles in our lives rather than by fighting in our own strength?

3) Hebrews 12:2 says “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” If we’re battling with guilt and shame, how does this scripture help us? What does Jesus’ blood do to our shame and guilt?

4) 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” How does believing in this help our daily lives?

5) Isaiah 53:5 says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities;

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” How does this verse help us deal with our own wounds?

6) Colossians 1:20b says, “by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” When we are overwhelmed by fear or anxiety, how does this truth help?

7) Ephesians 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” How does this truth help us see ourselves?

8) What is God speaking to you this week?


Use one of the above scriptures and pray over your group for peace, restoration, healing, closeness.

Sept. 18 — JESUS: The Nature of Jesus (Week 5)


Fondest fall memories?🎞

What family traditions do you have for the fall?🧡

Favorite fall activity?🍎

September, October, or November? Which is the best month for fall?🗓

Apple cider or pumpkin spice?🍏

What’s your favorite fall decoration?🖼

Favorite fall seasonal items from your grocery store?🍪


You can find a 15 minute clip below or at


1) Jesus is fully man and fully God. How does that affect our daily lives? Does it encourage you that God the Son experienced what you experienced as a human being?

2) According to C.S. Lewis, we have to say that Jesus is either (1) a LIAR, (2) a LUNATIC, or (3) LORD. Which do you say he is?

3) Of the 5 statements of Jesus’ nature, which one gives you the most hope in your daily life? Why?

(NOTE: The statements are: (1) Jesus is fully God and fully man. (2) Jesus is righteous. (3) Jesus Died and Rose Again. (4) Jesus justifies. (5) Jesus sanctifies.)

4) What is the difference between justification and sanctification in your life?

(NOTE: Justification is something that God does for us; sanctification is what God does with us. Justification is by grace through faith, while sanctification is by grace applied in life.)

5) What is God putting on your heart this week?


Encouraged by God’s sovereignty and love in our lives through Jesus

Sept. 11 — JESUS: The Obedience of Jesus (Week 4)


1. What’s the worst trouble you got into as a child?

2. What is one reward/award/prize that you received growing up?


You can find the 14 minute clip at or below


  1. What has obeying God looked like in your life?

  2. Does the phrase “Don’t hurt yourself by…” make sense to you as an explanation for God’s laws and commands?

  3. Forgiving others is a command from God. How do we actually obey that command in our hearts? What advice from Kendrick’s sermon was helpful in doing this? (Note: in the video clip Kendrick asks a few questions to help us).

  4. What does God say to us in areas of struggle, where we know what to do but we continually fail?

  5. What is God putting on your heart this week?


Hearts that trust Jesus in challenging areas

Sept. 4 — JESUS: The Words of Jesus (Week 3)


1. If your house was on fire and you could only grab 2 possessions, what would they be?

2. What is the most costly thing you’ve ever held in your hands?


We didn’t choose just one clip this week. Find the whole message below or here:


  1. Based on John 1:1-5 ESV, what Jesus spoke and who he is, is tied together. How do you explain who Jesus is and his words?

  2. Hebrews 4:12 says that the words of scripture are alive and that when Jesus’ words come to us, they brings clarity to what is from God and they judge the intentions of the heart. Have you experienced this?

  3. Like Matthew 4:4 implies, how do we live everyday in the word of God?

  4. What is God saying to you this week?


Lord, we ask to live by your word and love your word.

August 28 — JESUS: The Heart of Jesus (Week 2)


1. What did you love most when you were a kid?

2. What has been your favorite hobby over the course of your life?

3. Do you remember the first time you told someone you loved them? If you have a spouse, what was the first time you told them you loved them?


Find 12 minute video clip at or below:


1. How does God relate to sinful people? Does he withdraw himself or does his heart move towards us?

2. How was Zacchaeus transformed. Love from Jesus or instruction from Jesus? How does this inform how we can truly love others?

3. What does sympathy look like in your life?

4. How does God want you to sympathize with others?

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?

Lord, fill us with Your love, Your compassion, and Your sympathy for others.

August 21 — JESUS: The Name of Jesus (Week 1)


1. What is the name that makes you most excited? When you were a kid? Later in life?

2. Was there ever a name that you heard that would make you fearful?

3. Did you ever want to change your name? To what?

4. Did your parents almost call you by a different name?

5. What is the best nickname you’ve ever had? Worst nickname?


Find 12 minute video clip at or below:


1. Do I primarily value (1) God Himself or (2) what He can do for me? Does this distinction make sense?

2. Pastor Kendrick said earlier in the message: “Nothing can help you more than getting to know Jesus better.” What are your thoughts on this statement?

3. What do we think it means to ask in Jesus’ name?

4. How have you experienced power in the name of Jesus?

5. What situation or circumstance do you need to call on the name of Jesus and ask for His presence, power, and authority to enter in?


What situation or circumstance do you need to call on the name of Jesus and ask for His presence, power, and authority to enter in?

August 14 — AT THE MOVIES: Glory Road


1. What sports did you play as a child? Do you play any now?

2. Best sports related memory?

3. Do you have an “underdog” story from your life? Did you ever comeback to overcome impossible odds?


Find video at or below:


1. To truly become a team, empathy is needed. How has someone being empathetic in your life affected you?

2. READ: 1 Corinthians 1:26-30

26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

What strikes you from this verse?

3. According to this verse, God’s team is comprised of weak, lowly, foolish, and despised things. Why do you think this is?

4. How do you think you can show God’s love without bias, prejudice, or preconception?

5. How can we look in? (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV)

6. How can we look out to see people how God sees people?

7. How can we look up and put our hope ultimately in Jesus Christ?


That we show God’s love to everyone with power, conviction, and authenticity

August 7 — AT THE MOVIES: The Bourne Identity


Let’s play the name game.

1. What is your WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (take your mother’s and father’s middle names), e.g. my witness protection name would be Harold Elizabeth.

2. YOUR SECRET SPY NAME (your first name backwards)

3. NASCAR NAME (first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)

4. STAR WARS NAME (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

5. DETECTIVE NAME (favorite color, favorite animal):


Our movie this week was The Bourne Identity. Jason Bourne played by Matt Damon is a man without an identity: he can’t remember who he was. It’s a story of a man on a mission to discover his identity. Maybe a bit like all of us. When Jason discovers his name, he has an address in Paris, but he’s asking: who am I? He has other identities. Other names.

There is something deep inside of us that longs for definition of identity? Who am I? We tend to define ourselves according to what we do. As Jason’s past begins to come to light. Jason and Marie are on a journey together to find out who is Jason Bourne? The reality of Jason’s discovery causes him to run. He hates what he believes to be true - what he believes his identity to be.

We can relate. We connect with Jason, because often our response to reflecting upon or discovering our dark past is to run. Let’s just get away and ignore it. Fantasize about starting a new life. Don’t deal with it. Just bury it and move on.

But you’ll never discover your God identity until you confront your past. Until you face it. Own it. Allow God to deal with it. It may be painful. It may be embarrassing. All of our pasts have some failure and things that we’re ashamed of. You can’t just stuff it. You need to bring it to God and process it in a healthy way.

Step 1: not to ignore, deny or minimize your dark past. Step into the light. Know that you are not defined by what you’ve done in the past. Here is what the apostle John teaches us in 1 John. God is light. In Him is not darkness. If we do whatever we want (ignore it, stuff it, bury it) we’re walking in the darkness. BUT… 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” We step into the light, the blood of Jesus Christ forgives and cleanses every dark thing from our past. The path to health is stepping into the light. Be open. Be honest. Be real. Receive forgiveness. Receive God’s identity. God’s definition of who you are. Not the world’s definition.

You are not defined by the clothes you wear, the degrees you have, the money you make or don’t make. You are not defined by your sin. You are not defined by your failure.

When the prodigal son returned home, he felt all the guilt and shame of his sin and failure. The father RAN to him. Embraced him. Kissed him. Gave him a ring of authority. Gave him a robe. When you come to God your Father, He RUNS to you. he forgives you. He adopts you. He gives you a robe of righteousness. He gives you family. We have fellowship with one another. You connect heart to heart with people when you’ve received God’s identity.

You reject the lies. You reject the forces that try to define you according to what do you, what you’ve done, what you’re not doing, what the world says.

You replace the world’s identity with God’s identity. You are a daughter or son of God. You are loved by God. You are significant, because of your kingdom purpose. You are forgiven, clean and righteous in Christ. Your past is behind you. God is with you.

Today, there is probably at least one way that the world is trying to define you. The tape plays in your heart. I want to pray with you right now that we could each face our failures and sin, receive forgiveness and grace, and know God’s identity of who are in Christ.


Here’s the whole At the Movies Message below:


1. There are powerful forces that will pressure you into a value system. Into a way of seeing yourself. Into an identity. You can feel like a prisoner. What pressures have you’ve felt?

2. What are some lies you’ve believed about yourself that made you think that you were someone that you’re not?

3. What’s God’s Identity for you? What truths has He said about you?

4. How can we reject the lies and embrace our identity in Christ everyday?

5. What is God putting on your heart?


Lord, we thank you for how you’re speaking to our hearts today. Each person uniquely and individually. We don’t want to run from our past, our dark side, our sin. Instead we confess it to you. We bring it to the light. If we confess our sins to you, you are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us. We receive that right now. We reject any identity that we’d put on ourselves, that others have tried to put on us, or that the world system of values has tried to put on us. We declare that our identity is in Christ. We are loved by God. We have purpose and destiny in serving you and putting you first in our lives. In Jesus’ name, AMEN! God bless you.

July 31 — AT THE MOVIES: Encanto


1. What is your favorite musical? Why?

2. What is your favorite Disney character? Why?


You can watch the whole ATM at or below…


1.  Is there any area in your life where you feel like you have to perform for people to accept you?

2. Do you ever get caught in the comparison trap?

3. What natural gifts do you have that God wants you to use? What Spiritual gifts do you have that God wants you to use?

4. What is God saying to you this week?


  • God help us appreciate and use our gifts for your glory

July 24 — AT THE MOVIES: Spiderman: No Way Home

God of Second Chances


1. What is your favorite movie character? Why?

2.  When have you been given a second chance and it’s meant the world to you?

3.  How’s your summer so far?

AT THE MOVIES SUMMARY: [SPOILER ALERT. There are spoilers of the movie below]

Due to copyrights, we don’t have a clip for you this week since we showed clips of “Spiderman: No Way Home”. We do have a summary below. Feel free to read the summary out loud to your group and then discuss.

God is the God of Second Chances. A lot of times when we mess up, we want to fix it ourselves. Sometimes our fixing a mess, only makes a bigger mess. That’s what happened in the movie “Spiderman: No WAY HOME.” In the messes, we help people. We don’t just try to get rid of the mess. We build lives.  2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”  We help people in the messes. That can be really challenging when people are against us. Luke 6:28 “bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

Loving those who curse us and mistreat us is what Christ did and what we do. It’s hard and messy but Christ loves us in our mess and empowers us to love others when they need help.

In the movie, Spiderman made a mess by trying to get the world to forget is real identity. All his villains from different universes came. Instead of just sending them back, Spiderman, at the insistence of Aunt May, tries to cure the villains of their illness. That’s not an easy process. More messes were made.

Aunt May says to Spiderman after Green Goblin attacks her, “You have a gift. You have a power. With a great power, must come great responsibility.” In giving the villains a second chance, Peter loses Aunt May. Have you ever showed mercy to someone to have them talk behind your back? Anger, bitterness, and revenge never hurts the other person as much as it hurts us. Strong people forgive. Weak people curse, speak negatively, and hold grudges. Strong people bless, encourage, and believes the best.

Mercy triumphs over judgement. Mercy is healing. Peter experiences this with help from His friends. He shows mercy on the villains, trying to help and heal them. God is the God of second chances in your life.

First application: If you’ve messed up or gone down the wrong path, you don’t have to fix it. God offers you forgiveness through Jesus Christ. God can forgive any sin through the righteous blood of Jesus. Receiving Christ, believing in Him, brings us wholeness and healing.

Second Application: You may need to extend a second chance to someone else. It takes faith to believe God will be a good judge so you can let go of the hurt. God’s mercy can heal any human heart.

Third Application: you can believe that the God of the second chance can reach anyone. God loves to bring home prodigals, family and friends who are far from Him. Keep seeking and asking and knocking for those people. God’s with you and them.

We can receive God’s grace and give it. Let’s receive our second chance and give it. It’s what we do.


1.  How difficult is it to extend the grace and forgiveness that God has given us?

2.  Is there a relationship in your life where it’s hard to be wise and give second chances? Why?

3.  How do we receive mercy in our own lives?

4.  How do we extend second chances in our daily life? What does that look like?

5.  Who are you believing God’s second chance, His redemption, will reach? Child? Spouse? Friend?


  • Empowerment to receive and give second chances from God. It’s what we do.



  1. When you don’t have what you really want, you will discover that God is what you really need.

  2. Stop waiting for what you want and start working with what you have.

  3. We serve a God who is absolutely capable of doing a lot with a little.

  4. We are going to offer God what we have and trust Him to give us what we need.


  • 2 Kings 4:1-2

  • 2 Kings 4:3-7

  • 2 Corinthians 4:7

    Message Recap

    • Some of you may feel like you are really low on faith. Remember, we serve a God who can do a lot with a little. Offer God what you have and trust Him to give you what you need. All you have is a little bit of oil, but if you trust God and pour out what you have, then put that jar aside, God will refill your jar and give you what you need.

    Discussion Questions

    1.  What in this weekend’s message stood out to you the most?

    2. Are there any problems you are currently facing. What are they? Do you believe that God is what you need, and He is the One who will help you?

    3. Are you starting your day with, “God, I am available as your divine representative”? If you aren’t, what’s holding you back?

    4. Are you asking people you see in need how you can help them? Identify people in your life and make that ask this week!

    5. What do you do when you don’t have much? How can you start working with what you have?


    • As a group, pray that each of you would offer God what you have and trust Him with what you need.

    • Ask that He would make everyone’s next step clear no matter how big or small. Pray that each person would trust Him enough to be obedient to take the next step.

    The entire message is below for reference. We are trying something different this week so we don’t have a 10 minute clip but we do have the message points and the message recap for you. Feel free to read those to your group, if you’d like.

July 10 — How to Enjoy Grace


  1. What is most enjoyable about the summer now?

  2. What use to be most enjoyable about your summers?

  3. What is the hobby you enjoy the most?

  4. What’s the most enjoyable restaurant you’ve been to in the Triangle Area?


The 12 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

1.  Why is it difficult to wait on God’s season?

2. How can we enjoy God’s grace while waiting?

3. What does waiting on God’s season look in your life right now?

4. Why was Noah and Abraham able to wait on God’s promises yet still be engaged and faithful?


  • to enjoy God’s grace.

July 3 — How to Give Grace


  1. Do you prefer ice cream or frozen yogurt?

  2. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?

  3. What is your favorite type of cheese?


The 10 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

1.  How do you trust God's grace to work in you?

2. How can you trust God's grace to work through you?

3. Is there anyone where you find it hard to want them to receive God's grace? Why? How can God use that situation?

4. How has God used you to give grace to others?

5. How does God want you to give grace to others through your motivations, your availability, and your words?


  • heart to give like God has given us Grace.

JUNE 26 — How to Receive Grace


  1. Rank the following summer items from most liked to least liked: watermelon, sunburns, flip flops, fireflies, swimming, ice cream truck.

  2. Would you rather swim in the ocean or swim in a pool? Why?

  3. What is your favorite bible story? Why?


The 8 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

  1. From the parable of the prodigal son, the older son had access to everything and didn’t experience it. Why not?

  2. Ephesians 1:3 declares that we have every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. What does that mean for you in your daily life? How have you received/experienced God’s love in your life?

  3. In Luke 7:1–10 the Centurion wanted to receive from God, but didn’t think he was worthy. Jesus honored his faith. How can we appeal to God by faith, not relying on our works?

  4. It’s hard to go from a works mentality to faith in Christ, as characterized in Ephesians 2:8-9. How have you made that journey in your life?


  • heart to receive, not earn. Faithful hearts that hope and love because of the gift of Christ.



  1. What’s your favorite “bad” movie?

    2. What’s the best thing that you’ve made with your hands?

    3. What’s your favorite summer beverage?


The 11 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

1.How has God stepped in for you?

2.  As John 10:10 indicates, God stepped in so you could have abundant life here and now. How do we receive that life? That peace? That joy?

3. Romans 8:18 says “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” How does this perspective changed our day-to-day life?

4. What takeaways did you have from Mitch Mason’s Message?


  • Seeing and Savoring the goodness of God everyday



  1. What is a dream for your life that you had as a kid?

  2. What is a dream for your life that has already been fulfilled?

  3. What is a dream for your life that you still have?


The 13 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

  1. 1.  Is there a Dream from God that hasn’t come to pass yet? How has that made you feel?

  2. Pastor Steve calls it the “Spiritual Warfare Zone” when there is a delay to the dream. It’s when lies about God and compromises come in. Genesis 16:1-5 talks about how Abraham and Sarai took matters in their own hands to fulfill the dream of having a child. What can we learn from this “Spiritual Warfare Zone”?

  3. How does God want us to respond to the delays of His dreams?

  4. Hebrews 6:12 says, “imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” How do we imitate them?

  5. What is God putting on your heart this week? What dream does He want you to trust Him with?


  • Trusting God to give us His dreams and to walk out the process with faith



  1. What must you have at a cookout if you’re hosting?

  2. What is the worst present that you’ve ever received?

  3. What' is the best team that you’ve ever been a part of?


The 8 minute clip can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

1.  Matthew 9:36 says that Jesus had compassion on the crowds. How are we currently looking at the people around us?

2. How do we feel compassion for unkind people, mean people like Jesus does?

3. God’s strategy for the people who are harassed and helpless is for us to pray for workers. What kind of workers is God looking for?

4. Why are there so few workers?

5. What is God putting on your heart this week?


  • Pray for a Compassionate view of people

  • Ask the Lord to send out workers into the harvest



  1. What is the best Memorial Day that you’ve ever had?

  2. What makes you feel blessed?

  3. What did you do in the Summer as a kid?


The 12 minute video can be found below or at:

Discussion Questions

1.  Faith sees. Faith is a substance, it’s not a philosophy. How has faith affected how you view the world?

2. Faith hears. Faith comes by the hearing of the word Romans 10:17. How can you get aggressive about hearing God’s word?

3. Faith Speaks.  How are your words affected by your faith?

4. Faith Acts. When’s the last time you did something for God that if he didn’t show up you wouldn’t know how it would happen?

5. Every new level has a new devil. What step of faith is God leading you to take?


  • Supernatural Increase of Faith



  1. What is the longest that you’ve ever slept? Tell the story.

  2. What is the most restful you’ve ever felt? What is the least restful you’ve ever felt?

  3. What activity/habit is the most restful for you?


The 8 minute video can be found below or at

Discussion Questions

1.  Do you agree that rest takes work? Why or why not?

2. Read Matthew 11:28-30…

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

There’s so many ways Jesus could explain this spiritual truth. Why do you think his referencing the yoke is important for us to grasp this truth about rest?

3. How can we take responsibility for our rest?

4. Pastor John Mark said “The solution is not more time, but more of what matters most.” What does this look like in your life?

5. What can you do this week to work at/for your rest?


  • Wisdom to work for/at Rest

  • Wise boundaries for Rest



  1. What did you want to be when you were growing up?

  2. When people ask you to tell a little bit about yourself, what is most helpful for people to get to know you?

  3. Have you ever pretended to be someone else? Tell the story.


The 9 minute 49 second clip can be found below or at

Also, Check out the handout:


Discussion Questions

1.  What is the difference in trying to become like Christ and being given an identity in Christ?

2. Pastor Kendrick said that the key to knowing yourself better is getting to know God better. How have you experienced this in your life?

3. In the verses of Ephesians 2, what stood out to you most?

4. Of the 26 “God Is” statements, which one gives you the most encouragement?

5. What is the Identity that God has given you that means the most to you?

6. How does your identity in Christ change your everyday life?


  • Clear vision to see our identity in Christ

  • Knowing God better



  1. What is the best thing that you’ve ever fixed?

  2. What is one thing that you’ve had fixed recently that was such a blessing?


The 12 minute 9 second clip can be found below or at

Discussion Questions

1.  Pastor Kendrick says that “Hate what is evil” doesn’t refer to people. How does this apply to your life?

2.  Romans 12:10a says, “Be devoted to one another in love.” What is a good example of this in your life?

3.  How do you show honor to others everyday (Romans 12:10b)?

4.  Romans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal.” How do we daily receive from the Lord? How does this affect our relationships?

5.  What does repairing relationships look like in your life?


  • Prayer for your 2 relationships to be repaired



  1. What is the coolest thing that you’ve burnt?

  2. Do you have a memorable fire story?


The 10 minute 13 second clip can be found below or at

Discussion Questions

  1. Given the season that we all just went through, there are personal habits that we need to burn. What are some steps you can take to help you be a healthy you?

  2. Ephesians 5:18 talks about dissipation. Are there things that you’ve been seeking too much for comfort or escape that is emptying your tank? In other words, What are you doing that depletes? How do we go forward in a healthy way?

  3. What are we doing that replenishes? What are some personal habits that are helping you?

  4. Do you feel the difference between being depleted and being tired? Small tweaks create space for you to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

  5. How can we pray for each other to be replenished?



  1. What is the best thing that you’ve ever built?

  2. If you could trade houses with anyone, who would you trade with? Why?


The 8 minute 11 second clip can be found below or at

Discussion Questions

  1. In your relationships, would you rather be right or would your rather be real? How do you show that?

  2. “A relationship is as deep as it is open.” What does this mean in your life? Can you be more open and real in your close connections?

  3. Can you relate to the type of relational withdrawal known as defensive devaluation? How can we prevent ourselves from withdrawing in this way?

  4. How can you be open and real this week in the relationships that matter most?


  • Empower us to be open and real

  • Prayer for grace and peace in our relationships



  1. What are your childhood memories of Easter?

  2. What family traditions to you have associated with Easter?

  3. What is the biggest bridge that you’ve ever crossed?


The 9 minute 8 second clip can be found below or at

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